Agenda and minutes
Venue: Warspite Room, Council House
Contact: Amelia Boulter, Democratic Support Officer
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Councillors will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: The following declaration of interest was made by Councillor Mrs Bowyer in respect of minute …. , knows a volunteer that works for Healthwatch Plymouth. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 June 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2019 were agreed. |
Chair's Urgent Business To receive reports on business which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair highlighted a change to the agenda as previously communicated to Members. The Integrated Care System Performance would be replaced with the Older People’s Care Pathway and taken before the Adult Social Care item. |
Mapping of Corporate Plan to Scrutiny Committees PDF 111 KB For information. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mapping of the Corporate Plan to Scrutiny Committees would be a standing item on the agenda. For information and to be used as a reference against the Committee’s terms of reference. |
Devon Long Term Plan Consultation PDF 972 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Nick Pearson and Jo Turl (NEW Devon CCG), Amanda Nash (University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust), Tony Gravett (Healthwatch) and Danielle Morris (Livewell SW) were present for this item.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that –
The Committee noted the update on the Devon Long Term Plan Consultation. |
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust CQC Action Plan: Emergency Department Inspection PDF 66 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Kevin Baber (Chief Operating Officer), Amanda Nash (Head of Communications) and Julie Morgan (Head of Audit, Assurance and Effectiveness) from University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust were present for the item and referred to the report in the agenda pack. It was highlighted that the hospital had three must do’s:
· To reduce crowding within the emergency department: there were two key strands to address this, the estate and environment of the department and the new build was in design stage but they have made some interim improvements to resus and paediatrics department. Trying to reduce some of the delays and have GP attending minors as a pilot to increase primary care streaming and emergency care nurses undertaking further training to help increase their scope and help reduce the delays;
· Triage. This is a medium term improvement project within the department;
· Recording of clinical observations. Ensuring first set accurately recorded in the clinical notes from the ambulance services or whether we undertake our own set of notes and an audit was in this was taking place.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
The Committee noted the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust CQC Action Plan: Emergency Department Inspection report. |
Update following the closure of Broadreach/Longreach House PDF 115 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Kate Taylor (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) and Gary Wallace (Public Health Specialist) were present for this item. It was reported that following the closure, the 4 patients that were residing at Broadreach have been successfully placed in alternative facilities. As part of the in-patient contract with Broadreach and placed around 20 patients a-year, this contract was over a 10-year period. They were now in discussions with Boswyns in Cornwall to pick that the provision to ensure that patients do not lose loss of service.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that –
The Committee noted the update on closure of Broadreach/Longreach House. |
Healthwatch Annual Report PDF 7 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Tony Gravett (Healthwatch) was present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda. It was highlighted that in October GP evening and weekend appointments commenced, however, this was not communicated widely with the public and they were currently working on public knowledge around that offer. This was a significant programme of change to alleviate the pressures general practice.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that –
The Committee noted the Healthwatch Annual Report 2018 - 19. |
Older People's Care Pathway PDF 99 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Kate Taylor (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care), Craig McArdle (Interim Strategic Director for People), (Anna Coles (Director for Integrated Commissioning), Gary Walbridge (Head of Adult Social Care and Retained Functions), Claire Anderson (Strategic Commissioning Manager), Harry Sherwin (Project Manager) and Andrew Loton (Senior Performance Advisor) was present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that:
The Committee noted the Older People’s Care Pathway Update.
(This agenda item replace the Integrated Commissioning Scorecard). |
Adult Social Care - Future Direction Presentation Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Kate Taylor (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care), Craig McArdle (Interim Strategic Director for People), Anna Coles (Director for Integrated Commissioning), Gary Walbridge (Head of Adult Social Care and Retained Functions) were present for this item and referred to the presentation attached.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that -
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the work programme. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the progress made against the tracking resolutions. |