Agenda and minutes

Venue: Warspite Room, Council House

Contact: Helen Prendergast, Democratic Support Officer 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Councillors will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest made by Members in accordance with the code of conduct.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.

Additional documents:


There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.


Appointment of Vice Chair

Additional documents:


The Committee agreed to appoint Councillor Fletcher as Vice Chair for this particular meeting.


Call-In: Decision Reference ES05 18/19 (The City of Plymouth (Traffic Regulation Orders) (Amendment No. 2018.2137185 - Connaught Avenue, College Avenue, Mannamead Road, Mutley Plain and Torr Lane) Order, a decision which is in support of the B3350 Mannamead Road Junctions Improvement Scheme (Decision Ref: SDPI 01 18/19), part of the Northern Corridor Transport Scheme (Decisions Ref: L14 15/16) pdf icon PDF 178 KB

The Committee will consider the decision called in by Councillors Ball, Johnson and Kelly.

Additional documents:


The Performance, Finance and Customer Focus Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the call-in of the executive decision - Decision Reference ES05 18/19 (The City of Plymouth (Traffic Regulation Orders) (Amendment No. 2018.2137185 - Connaught Avenue, College Avenue, Mannamead Road, Mutley Plain and Torr Lane) Order,  a decision which is in support of the B3350 Mannamead Road Junctions Improvement Scheme (Decision Ref: SDPI 01 18/19), part of the Northern Corridor Transport Scheme (Decisions Ref: L14 15/16).


The Committee heard that –



Councillors Ball, Johnson and Kelly had called in the decision for the following reasons -





the traffic flow into Mutley Plain from the north was high in the early morning and diminished through the day negating the proposal’s reasons for a complete removal of the parking spaces;






congestion which restricted traffic flow on Mutley Plain would not be changed by removal of these parking spaces, they were the result of other physical restrictions which were articulated by objectors during the consultation;








enforcement of the parking spaces could be improved by the installation of metering.





Councillors Ball and Johnson considered that -





the 13 car parking spaces were crucial for the viability of the businesses located on Mannamead Road and should this decision be implemented this would further exacerbate the economic decline of Mutley Plain;






the removal of the car parking spaces would not make a significant difference to the traffic flow, as there were a number of physical restrictions along Mutley Plain which included the right hand turn into Ford Park Road;






a change in the time restrictions for these parking spaces would negate the need to remove them;






no due attention had been given when considering this scheme, as to the impact that it would have on businesses (the service sector businesses in this area had informed Councillor Ball that leases would not be renewed in light of this decision which would further effect other sector related  businesses);






whether the improvement in the journey times would be worth the loss of 10 or more business;





Councillor Dann (Cabinet Member for  Environment and Street Scene), Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure), Sally Farley (Strategic Transport Manager), Robin Bevan (Transport Planning Officer) and Darren Stoneman (Civil Enforcement Manager) responded that –






the Mannamead Road Junction Improvements Scheme was the second scheme within the Northern Corridor Junction Improvements Programme; the project would upgrade signals, improve pedestrian and cycle facilities and provide a shared lane for pedestrian/cycle link between the Torr Lane and Manadon junctions;






the presence of the on-street parking bays reduced capacity to a single lane at the point where it entered the dualled section at Mutley Plain, resulting in frequent congestion on the approach to Mutley Plain with queues often extending back past Elm Road; south bound traffic flow on Mannamead Road was high throughout the day (750 vehicles per hour at 8am reducing to 600 vehicles per hour during the day and rising again to over 700 vehicles per hour from around 4pm);  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.