Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual Committee

Contact: Democratic Support  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.

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The following declarations of interest were made in accordance with the code of conduct.






Councillors Stevens, Tuohy, Allen, Mrs Bridgeman, Corvid, Davey, Mike Leaves, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Rebecca Smith, Tuffin, Vincent and Winter.

Minute 72

Know the applicant Mr Tony Carson.

Private Interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 81 KB

The Committee will be asked to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2020.

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Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2020.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.

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There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.


Questions from Members of the Public

The Chair will receive and respond to questions from members of the public submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures. Questions shall not normally exceed 50 words in length and the total length of time allowed for public questions shall not exceed 10 minutes. Any question not answered within the total time allowed shall be the subject of a written response.

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Five questions were received by the Chair from members of the public.


The following question was submitted by Mr Dart:



Should an application to Plymouth City Council for change of use to provide “Extra care supported housing for people under the age of 65, who will have ongoing support needs related to their mental illness or condition" include some or all of speech marked words in site notice?



The description of a Planning Application should be a brief summary of the development that applicant is seeking including reference to the Use Class Orders where relevant. The description does not have to specify the user group unless it is relevant to defining the Use Class.  Residential care homes, hospitals and nursing homesfall under use Class C2, whilst a single household of up to 6 people falls within Use Class C3.



The following question was submitted by Mr and Mrs Van Rensburg:




Have any Officers or members of the Planning Committee made a site visit, to acquaint them with the quiet, secluded and child-friendly residential environment where this proposed commercial activity would be located?



The Planning Officer carried out a site visit on 6 October 2020 and a site visit took place with Members of the Planning Committee on 9 December 2020.



The following question was submitted by Mr Cooper:



Regarding 23 Boston Close.  Why have Highways not expressed concern about access to the proposed parking area, in planning application 19/00085/FUL for the initial extension to this property they queried the access for one extra vehicle?  Now 9 or more vehicles a day will have to use the same access.



Highway matters are addressed in paragraphs 8.15 to 8.20 of the officer report and comments regarding Highways officers have been referred to the relevant Portfolio Holder.



The following question was submitted by Mr and Mrs Trevanion:



Application 20/01099/FUL was granted with a specific condition. It’s been immediately followed by application 20/01487/FUL to rescind that condition.  If this application is approved is there not a risk that the planning process may appear to have been used inconsistently?



No, as the applicant has the right to do this. Due process has been followed and the application has been judged on its merits.



The following question was submitted by Mrs Partridge:





Linked granted application was retrospective with the stipulation around usage.  We must respect the concerned residents, to ensure the integrity of the planning process and confidence has been maintained. If successful what steps/observations will be taken to prevent further disregard and the increased commercial use or alternative commercial use.



If the question is around a change of use in contravention of Planning legislation, any allegations should be reported to the City Council who will investigate and take any action that may be necessary and reasonable.




Planning Applications for consideration

The Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure will submit a schedule asking Members to consider Applications, Development proposals by Local Authorities and statutory consultations under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

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The Committee considered the following applications, development proposals by local authorities and statutory consultations submitted under the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservations Areas) Act, 1990.


170 Hemerdon Heights, Plymouth PL7 2TY - 20/01190/FUL pdf icon PDF 280 KB


Mr and Mrs Sharp


Plympton St Mary


Grant Conditionally


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Mr and Mrs Sharp


Application Grant conditionally.


68 Compton Avenue, Plymouth PL3 5DB - 20/01181/FUL pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Applicant:                    Mr Tony Carson

Ward:                          Compton

Recommendation:      Grant Conditionally

Additional documents:


Mr Tony Carson


Application Granted conditionally.


(A site visit was held on 9 December 2020 in respect of this item).


23 Boston Close, Plymouth PL9 7NR - 20/01487/FUL pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Applicant:                    Mr and Mrs May

Ward:                          Plymstock Radford

Recommendation:      Grant Conditionally

Additional documents:


Mr and Mrs May


Application Granted conditionally.  The Planning Officer to negotiate an additional condition that designates a parking space for customer parking.


 (The Committee heard from Councillor Ms Watkin, Ward Councillor).

(The Committee heard from Mr Cooper, in objection to the application).

(The Committee heard from Mrs May, the applicant).

(A site visit took place on 9 December 2020 in respect of this item).


24 Looe Street, Plymouth PL4 0EA - 20/01355/S73 pdf icon PDF 179 KB

Applicant:                    Miss Kayleigh Bullock

Ward:                          St Peter and the Waterfront

Recommendation:      Grant Conditionally

Additional documents:


Miss Kayleigh Bullock


Application Granted conditionally.


(The Committee heard from Councillor Tuffin, Ward Councillor and took no part in the discussion or vote).

(The Committee heard from Miss Kayleigh Bullock, the applicant).


Site Of Former E Block, The Quadrangle, Craigie Drive, The Millfields, Plymouth - 20/00253/FUL pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Applicant:                    Platinum Developments South West Ltd

Ward:                          St Peter and the Waterfront

Recommendations:     Grant conditionally subject to S106 agreement with delegated authority to the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure to refuse if not signed within agreed timescales



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Platinum Developments South West Ltd


Application Granted conditionally subject to S106 agree with delegated authority to the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure to refuse if not signed within the agreed timescales.   An informative to be added that emphasises the importance of providing sufficient EV charging points as part of condition 9.  In the event that officers do not receive a satisfactory response from the applicant with regard to a satisfactory travel plan and in particular in regard EV charging points in the discharge process for condition 9 the discharge application should be referred to the Planning Committee.


(The Committee heard from Louis Dulling, on behalf of the applicant).

(A site visit was held on 9 December 2020 in respect of this item).


Planning Enforcement pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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Members noted the Planning Enforcement Report.  The Chair asked that relevant officers to be thanked for their continued good work on enforcement.


Planning Application Decisions Issued pdf icon PDF 354 KB

The Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, acting under powers delegated to him by the Council, will submit a schedule outlining all decisions issued since the last meeting –


1)  Committee decisions;

2)  Delegated decisions, subject to conditions where so indicated;

3)  Applications withdrawn;

4)  Applications returned as invalid.


Please note that these Delegated Planning Applications are available to view online at:

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the report from the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure on decisions issued since the last meeting.  Councillor Vincent sought clarification on 7 Lipson Terrace, it was reported that 20/00434/LBC a listed building application was granted but 20/00433/FUL application was refused.


Appeal Decisions pdf icon PDF 234 KB

A schedule of decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate on appeals arising from the decision of the City Council will be submitted.  Please note that these Delegated Planning Applications are available to view online at:

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The Committee noted the schedule of appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate.


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