Committee details
Planning Committee
Purpose of committee
Information on the Planning Committee is contained at pages 94-98 in the Constitution at Part 4 (Other Committees, Functions, Procedures and Terms of Reference). Its functions relate to the following –
· Planning and Conservation
· Commons registration
· Highway use and regulation
· Specific Delegation – to advise the Cabinet on the proposed implementation of the Development Plan / Local Development Framework and other planning policies and strategies
· Within the planning policies laid down by the Council to deal with matters that are set out at paragraphs 5-67 of the Committee’s Terms of Reference
- Councillor Sarah Allen
- Councillor Maddi Bridgeman
- Councillor Ian Darcy
- Councillor Jeremy Goslin
- Councillor Josh McCarty
- Councillor Paul McNamara
- Councillor Carol Ney
- Councillor Angela Penrose (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Zoe Reilly
- Councillor Matt Smith
- Councillor Kevin Sproston
- Councillor Bill Stevens (Chair)
- Councillor Ms Kathy Watkin
Contact information
Support officer: Rosie Brookshaw-Williams. Email:
Postal address:
Chief Executive's Department
Floor 3 (West) Ballard House
West Hoe Road
Web site: