Councillor Angela Penrose

Profile image for Councillor Angela Penrose

Title: Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee

Party: Labour

Ward: Compton

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Council House
Plymouth City Council
Armada Way

Phone:  01752 603292


Download Councillor Angela Penrose contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 05/05/2023 - 07/05/2026

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Community Grants 2023/24





Organisation of city-wide event by Plymouth Drake foundation, purchase of books to be given to schools and directly to children (aged 4-8) to take home.




To support the You Can Do It Awards with a contribution towards supplies for the event such as trophies, face painting and a photographer.


To support the local community with a contribution towards a replacement basketball backboards and frame




To support the replacement of Basket Ball Hoop and Chains in Hartley Park




To support No One Alone At Christmas with a contribution towards a Christmas dinner for people who otherwise would be alone on Christmas Day


A contribution to the Trevi Big Give


Contribution to Care Leavers Service - Help Young People


To support a Community Wassail in Trefusis Park and Tulgey Woods - part of the 'Being Well in the Woods' community project combating loneliness and isolation.




To support Plymouth Woodcraft Folk with a contribution towards equipment for activities and camping


To support the Summer Reading challenge with a contribution towards core reading packs, certificates, rewards and medals



To support Compton Primary School with a contribution towards equipment and decoration for a new sensory room to be used by the pupils.


To support Mutley Greenbank Trust with a contribution towards gardening tools, seating and refreshments to restore Moor View Park and host a summer festival for the community to enjoy.


To support the running of the Bazaar which is a monthly marketplace at The Box including local vendors.


To support Tulgey Woods with a contribution towards free workshops and foraging tours for the Urban Tree Festival.


Grand Total
