Outside body

Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council


Summary of Terms of Reference


1          Name


The Company’s name is Plymouth & Devon Racial Equality Council (herinafter referred to as the “REC”)


2          Registered Office


The registered office of the REC is to be in England and Wales.


3          Objects


The objects of the REC (the “Objects”) shall be:


(1)               To work towards the elimination of racial discrimination; and


(2)               To promote equality of opportunity, and good relations, between persons of different racial groups;


especially in the region known as the Plymouth Travel to Work Area (herinafter known as the REC’s “area of benefit”).


4          Mode of operation


4.1              In furtherance of the Objects, but not further or otherwise, the REC may undertake the following functions and within the limits permitted by the law and this constitution may do anything lawful and necessary to fulfil them:


4.1.1        Policy development


To acquaint organisations, agencies and employers in the statutory, non-statutory , private, and voluntary sectors, especially in the REC’s area of benefit, with the extent and nature of racial discrimination and inequality experienced by racial groups in the field of social welfare and in particular the fields of housing, employment, education and health care, with the aim of encouraging them to implement policies and practices which will eliminate racial discrimination and promote equality of opportunity, and good relations, between persons of different racial groups.


4.1.2        Community Support


To support organisations in the REC’s area of benefit which are concerned with the promotion of equal opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups, by providing them with such information, advice and other forms of assistance as may be both appropriate and in keeping with the Rec’s objects.


4.1.3        Assistance to individuals


(a)   To give information, advice and support of non-financial nature to individuals who seek the REC’s assistance as a consequence of their experience of racism or racial discrimination, in circumstances where such information, advice and support are not readily obtainable from other local agencies.

(b)   In sub-clause (a) above, “support” may include representation at tribunals in circumstances where it is unreasonable, having regard to the financial resources available to a complainant, to expect her/him to obtain such representation, subject nevertheless to clause 5 (k) below.


4.1.4        Public education


To maintain an appropriate programme of public information and public education related to the REC’s objects and functions.


4.1.5        Work Programme


To devise a work programme to guide it in furthering its objects and carrying out its functions in pursuance of this clause. In doing so, it shall have regard to:


(a)   priorities for action agreed in national and/or regional planning forums between REC’s, or their representative body, and the Commission for racial Equality, herinafter referred to as the “CRE”; and

(b)   priorities for action related to local needs to which it can respond in keeping with its ojects.


4.2              Working policy


In furthering its Objects and carrying out its functions in pursuance of this clause, the REC


(a)   shall be non-party in politics and non-secretarian in religion;

(b)   shall, in its own activities and employment of staff, implement an effective equal opportunities policy and shall not, therefore, discriminate against any person on grounds of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, age and creed.


Contact information

Sue Stratton
Co-Director, REC

Our representatives