Councillor Kevin Sproston

Profile image for Councillor Kevin Sproston

Party: Labour

Ward: Budshead

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Council House
Plymouth City Council
Armada Way


Mobile:  07469892414

Twitter :  @KevinSproston

Download Councillor Kevin Sproston contact details as VCard

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Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 05/05/2023 - 07/05/2026

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information




Community Grants 2023/24





To support the Whitleigh Youth Football Club with a contribution towards the cost of football kit and other equipment needed to run the club.




To support Whitleigh Big Local towards the cost of coach hire for a day out to Teignmouth for the elderly.


To support Plymouth Artists Together with a contribution towards art supplies and protective coatings for the installation of artwork on Whitleigh Bridge.




Contribution towards the Connecting Youth CIC Crowdfunding page


To support Plymouth Artists Together with their Youth Boards Project. This will support youths in the Whitleigh area to spray paint mobile boards where they can experiment but more importantly taught to do it right and respect others work. In the past, this approach has proven to significantly reduce random ugly tagging and resulted in some talented artists in producing great murals around their areas, which have brightened up and neatened some dire city areas.




To support Four Greens Community Trust with a contribution towards food, equipment and transport to help facilitate the Emergency Food Service, Adult Fun 4 All Club and Befriending session.  




Contribution to Care Leavers Service - Help Young People




To support Artene Enriching the next generation CIC with a contribution towards food hampers and essential items to give to families.


Grand Total
