Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Democratic Support  Email:


No. Item


To Note the Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair for the Municipal Year 2021/ 2022

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The Committee noted the appointment of Councillor Smith as Chair and Councillor Wakeham as Vice Chair for the forthcoming municipal year 2021/22.


Declarations of Interest

Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.

Additional documents:


The following declarations of interest were made in accordance with the code of conduct.






Councillor Nicholson

Minute 12

Speaking as a Ward Councillor




Minutes pdf icon PDF 82 KB

The Committee will be asked to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2021.

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Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2021.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.

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The Chair reported that Peter Ford had submitted the team for an award with the Royal Town Planning Institute for the Local Authority Planning Team of the Year.  The Chair was pleased to announce that Plymouth City Council were joint winners with Preston City Council.  The Chair and the Committee congratulated the Planning Team.


Questions from Members of the Public

The Chair will receive and respond to questions from members of the public submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures. Questions shall not normally exceed 50 words in length and the total length of time allowed for public questions shall not exceed 10 minutes. Any question not answered within the total time allowed shall be the subject of a written response.

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One question was received from a member of the public.


The following question was received by Mr Dart.


If a Planning Application Officer’s Report deems it appropriate to impose a condition but such condition is not included in the Planning Decision Notice issued what action can or should be taken by someone who has made representations and the Planning Department?


In the event that a Planning Application Officer’s report deems it appropriate to impose a condition but fails to attach said condition to the formal Planning Decision Notice without justification then it would be reasonable for an interested party to follow the council’s complaints procedure so that the relevant department could investigate and respond accordingly.



Planning Applications for consideration

The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure will submit a schedule asking Members to consider Applications, Development proposals by Local Authorities and statutory consultations under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

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The Committee considered the following applications, development proposals by local authorities and statutory consultations submitted under the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservations Areas) Act, 1990.


10 Commercial Wharf Madeira Road Plymouth PL1 2NX - 21/00082/FUL pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Applicant:                    Miss Sophie Chiswell

Ward:                          St Peter and the Waterfront

Recommendation:      Grant conditionally

Additional documents:


Miss Sophie Chiswell


Application GRANTED conditionally with delegated authority to the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Shadow Lead for further discussion with the Applicant in relation to the bin storage.



10 Commercial Wharf Madeira Road Plymouth PL1 2NX - 21/00327/ADV pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Applicant:                    Miss Sophie Chiswell

Ward:                          St Peter and the Waterfront

Recommendation:      Grant conditionally

Additional documents:


Miss Sophie Chiswell


GRANTED conditionally.


38 St Edward Gardens Plymouth PL6 5PD - 21/00567/FUL pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Applicant:                    Mr Richard Best

Ward:                          Eggbuckland

Recommendation:      Grant conditionally

Additional documents:


Mr Richard Best


GRANTED Conditonally.


9 Recreation Road Plymouth PL2 3NA - 21/00376/FUL Item pdf icon PDF 344 KB

Applicant:                 Mr and Mrs Vallance

Ward:                     Ham

Recommendation:      Grant conditionally

Additional documents:


Mr Paul McConville


GRANTED conditionally.


1 Boston Close Plymouth PL9 7NR - 21/00842/FUL pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Applicant:                 Mr and Mrs Vanstones

Ward:                     Plymstock Radford

Recommendation:      Grant conditionally

Additional documents:


Councillor Ms Watkin withdrew the Member referral and therefore the application will be determined under delegated powers.


Former China Clay Dryer Works Coypool Road Plymouth - 19/01288/OUT pdf icon PDF 375 KB

Applicant:                 Mr Paul Britton

Ward:                     Plympton St Mary

Recommendation:      Grant conditionally subject to S106

Additional documents:


Mr Paul Britton


GRANTED conditionally subject to S106 agreement with delegated authority to the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure to refuse if not signed within agreed timescales.


(The Committee heard from Councillor Nicholson, Ward Councillor).

(The Committee heard from Mr Paul Britton, applicant).

(Councillor Nicholson declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or vote).

(A site visit was held on 22 June 2021 in respect of this item).


Planning Enforcement pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair thanked officers for the report this was endorsed by Councillor Stevens.  Councillor Stevens raised a particular case within the Devonport Ward and requested that the Devonport Ward Councillors and the Chair of Planning be briefed on the specifics.


The Committee noted the Planning Enforcement Report.


Planning Application Decisions Issued pdf icon PDF 482 KB

The Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, acting under powers delegated to him by the Council, will submit a schedule outlining all decisions issued since the last meeting –


1)  Committee decisions;

2)  Delegated decisions, subject to conditions where so indicated;

3)  Applications withdrawn;

4)  Applications returned as invalid.


Please note that these Delegated Planning Applications are available to view online at:


Additional documents:


The Committee noted the report from the Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure on decisions issued since the last meeting.


Appeal Decisions pdf icon PDF 244 KB

A schedule of decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate on appeals arising from the decision of the City Council will be submitted.  Please note that these Delegated Planning Applications are available to view online at:

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the schedule of appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate.   A discussion took place on decisions made and lessons learned.  It was reported that all decisions were reviewed and discussed at management development meetings.

VOTING SCHEDULE 23 JUNE 2021 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

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