Agenda and minutes

Venue: Belvedere House, Barrow Park Complex, Mount Edgcumbe, Cremyll, Cornwall

Contact: Helen Wright  Email:

No. Item



Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest made by members in accordance with the code of conduct.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on19 July 2013 as a correct record.


The Joint Committee agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2013 are confirmed as a correct record.



To receive reports on business, which in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There were no items of Chair’s urgent business.



The Joint Committee will receive a report on revenue budget monitoring 2013/14.

Additional documents:


The Strategic Director for Place submitted a monitoring report on the revenue budget 2013/14 which highlighted the following main areas –



overview of the monitoring variations 2013/14; 




background 2013/14;




2013/14 revenue monitoring variations;




budget risk.


In response to questions raised by the Joint Committee, it was reported that –



the revenue budget monitoring 2013/14 report outlined the position as at the end of January 2014 and as such eligibility of the Bellwin Scheme had not been highlighted;




interim catering arrangements were currently in place within the Stables café.


The Joint Committee noted the report.


MOUNT EDGCUMBE REVIEW 2013-2014 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

The Joint Committee will receive a report on the Mount Edgcumbe Review 2013-2014.


The Strategic Director for Place submitted a report on the review of Mount Edgcumbe 2013/14 which highlighted the usage of both the park and the house, events and key activities that included –



the key events –





three Wishes Faery Festival;



classic Car Rally;



Cornwall Military Vehicles Trust Annual Rally;



Christmas Fayre (had seen an increase in the number of visitors by 1000 bringing the total number of people attending the event to 6004);




filming in the Park –





Mike Leigh Turner film;



David Dimbleby;



Two Hungry Sailors;





the general use of the park;




the importance of the contribution and support made by both the Friends of Mount Edgcumbe Park and the volunteers;








Metta Catharina Exhibition;




Higher Level Stewardship;




adverse weather conditions (during the recent storms the sea wall at Cremyll and Barnpool had been damaged); officers were currently looking to secure funding from the Bellwin Scheme in order to undertake the necessary repair works.


In response to questions raised by the Joint Committee, it was reported that –



there had been a reduction in the footfall during the summer months due to the good weather;




the two constituent authorities did not own the moorings at Barn Pool.


The Mr Crocker, the Chair of the Friends of Mount Edgcumbe Park, advised that to date the Friends had contributed £213,000 to the park for various items and schemes.


The Joint Committee wished to give a vote of thanks to the Friends of Mount Edgcumbe and the volunteers for their help and support.


The Joint Committee noted the report.



The Joint Committee will receive a report on Mount Edgcumbe Means Business.

Additional documents:


The Strategic Director for Place submitted a report on Mount Edgcumbe Means Business which provided an update on the transformational change review which had been originally reported to the Joint Committee in July 2013.  The report highlighted the following key areas –



the vision statement –





the unique selling point for Mount Edgcumbe was the wealth of history and stories of famous historical figures associated with the Estate over the centuries;


the history of Mount Edgcumbe provide a unique opportunity to stand out from the competition.


The vision would focus on celebration the story of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe family to highlight local history and develop the park into an anchor attraction for the Rame Peninsula;




phase one of the business plan to be completed by April 2014, included -




creating a ‘buzz’ aimed specifically to encourage further investment from small businesses and in turn attract and secure larger investment for phase two by external funding partners;






continued development of the Barrow Centre as a visitor attraction for the park by stimulating commercial lettings and property lettings;






a capital investment programme to create facilities for the Barrow Centre;






delivery of a number of schemes, including –







installation of a quality wifi system;




creating an aggressive marketing plan;




review of branding in the park;




purchase a land train;






the events scheduled for 2014/15, included –





the Smugglers Market;



Three Wishes Faery Fest;



Classic and American Car Rally;





phase two of the business plan to be completed by April 2016, included –





working in partnership with key transport providers to implement a number of improvements for accessing the park;






establishing a commercially viable visitor information centre for the Rame Peninsula combined with a one stop shop for wedding services;






the completion of a number of property renovations for holiday accommodation, including –







Cremyll Lodge;




English Garden House;




eco huts;




caravan and camping facilities;






the nine key strategic drivers included -






review of governance arrangements;



establish the overall brand;



partnership working with the Friends of Mount Edgcumbe.


In response to questions raised by the Joint Committee, it was reported that –



work was being undertaken to find an organiser for the Smugglers Market;




at this stage, it was unclear how the South West Peninsula City Deal would impact on Mount Edgcumbe;




work continued with the ferry operator to improve existing services and encourage additional ferry services.


The Joint Committee agreed –



to note the progress made to date and initiatives undertaken to drive income and reduce costs, in a way that is sensitive to the park and the historic landscape in which it sits;




that a report on the South West Peninsula City Deal and the Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to its next meeting.




To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it  involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.



Agreed that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.



The Joint Committee will receive a report on the revenue budget monitoring 2013/14.


Further to minute 14, the Strategic Director for Place submitted a confidential report on the revenue budget monitoring 2013/14.


The Joint Committee noted the report.




Further to minute 16, the future position relating to the subsidy provided to Mount Edgcumbe by the two constituent authorities was noted.  Work was being undertaken to streamline the decision making process, where possible, to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the business.