Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Next to the Civic Centre

Contact: Helen Rickman, Democratic Support Officer  Email:

No. Item



Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no declarations of interest in accordance with the code of conduct.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on 19 February 2010.


Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 19 February 2010 be confirmed as a correct record.



To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business in accordance with the code of conduct.



The Panel will receive any relevant feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


The Business Manager for Development provided the Panel with feedback from the 3 March 2010 Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.


The Panel was informed that –



in response to recommendations regarding Plymouth City Council Housing Services (minute 51) from 19 February 2010 Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel it was resolved that –




in line with the scrutiny terms of reference, it be confirmed that the Growth & Prosperity OSP is the main panel for considering strategic housing issues;




officers be requested to liaise with the Monitoring Officer to establish what was formally agreed when the housing stock was transferred to Plymouth Community Homes regarding scrutiny of the service;




the Support Services OSP join with the Growth & Prosperity OSP to help with scrutiny of homelessness and housing needs issues;




the Growth & Prosperity OSP invite the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Support Services OSP to meet with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Strategic Housing and Economic Development to discuss how best to take scrutiny of housing issues forward;



the Skateboarding By-Law Task and Finish Group report be approved and submitted to CMT (Corporate Management Team).


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



minute 94a (c and d) from the 3 March 2010 Overview and Scrutiny Management Board be checked for accuracy as it was thought that Customers and Communities OSP were to work with the Growth and Prosperity OSP and not Support Services OSP;



in the future, feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board would be in written format attached to the agenda.




The Panel will consider the appointment of a co-opted representative.


Resolved that the Panel defer this item until the first meeting of the municipal year.




The Panel will receive a verbal update on the growth and regeneration agenda.


The Director for Development and Regeneration and the Assistant Director for Planning Services provided the Panel with an update on the Growth and Regeneration agenda –


The Committee was informed that –



there were several strategies in place across the city, such as the Sustainable Communities Strategy and the Local Development Framework Strategy that would aim to improve new homes, population growth, new jobs and investment in Plymouth;



infrastructure was to be focused upon in the growth and regeneration agenda, and was not simply housing led;



Plymouth’s Spatial Strategy was one of the most successful in the country and clearly demonstrated Plymouth’s priorities such as the Eastern Corridor, the Northern Corridor, Sustainable Neighbourhoods and prioritizing Waterfront regeneration;



a new department for Growth and Regeneration had been established in April 2009 in order to drive forward and support the delivery of growth and regeneration in Plymouth; four departments, namely Economic Development, Transport and Highways, Strategic Housing and Planning Services would now provide a more structured approach to support the growth and regeneration agenda in the city;



the Growth and Regeneration department would be broadly split into 3 categories namely, front line services, supporting and enabling growth and driving growth and regeneration in Plymouth;



front line services included planning applications, homelessness prevention, housing needs, neighbourhood management, anti social behaviour, managed workspaces, commercial tenancies, business improvement districts, city market, network management, car parks, civil enforcement and boats and moorings;



supporting and enabling growth and regeneration services included, major planning applications, affordable housing provision, economic development, transport major schemes and policy and strategy;



driving growth and regeneration services focused upon partnership working and prioritization, delivery through programme boards and master plans; this working would allow partnership working across sectors;



in a recent Sunday Times article in the ‘Home’ section, Plymouth was listed as being one of the top twelve places to invest in because of its waterfront location, its relative affordability and the strong strategic frameworks in place which support the regeneration agenda;



programmes were being put in place to enable partnership working; programme boards would be created for City Centre, Eastern Corridor, Waterfront, Northern Corridor, Enterprise and Skills, Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Naval Base/Devonport Dockyard and Place Management;



the Growth and Regeneration department achieved the following successes in 2009/2010:


  • Housing Stock transfer
  • Affordable housing targets met
  • Market recovery action plan delivered
  • East end transport scheme – funding in place
  • Private sector housing – kick start funding in place
  • Plymouth science and innovation partnership launched



key issues and challenges for the growth and regeneration department consisted of maintaining the support and momentum for growth in Plymouth, building upon delivery success to ensure continued recognition of Plymouth being the top area for growth in the region, to maximize opportunities, to support the transport infrastructure scheme, maintain the range of approaches to stimulate and encourage growth and to continue to maximize funding opportunities;



an Infrastructure Delivery Framework was in place to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.



The Head of Transport Strategy will provide the Panel with a verbal update on accessibility planning.


 The Senior Transportation Planner and the Assistant Director for Transport provided the Committee with an update on Accessibility Planning.


The Committee was informed that –



the Derriford Hospital Accessibility Action Plan (AAP) had been adopted by the Healthy Theme Group and would be published in the next couple of weeks ;



the Young People Accessibility Action Plan had not yet been adopted as key data analysis regarding responses to a survey titled ‘what do you do in your spare time’ had not yet been received;



missed appointments at Derriford Hospital had reduced from 7.6% to 6.2%;



missed appointments at Connexions had reduced from 50% to 35%;



the success of Plymouth achieving a cycle training bid would help to increase the access of children in years 6 and 7 from 43% to 80%;



Several disabled bays at Derriford Hospital had been relocated in order to provide easier access to the hospital;



Target Travel bus service 14 in west Devonport had been re-routed in order to make up for the loss of bus service number 34;



250 new parking spaces for the specific use of Derriford Hospital staff had been constructed at the George Park and ride;



bus departures from Derriford Hospital had increased from approximately 30 per hour in 1995 to between 47 and 80 per hour in 2009 this and other measures have helped reduce congestion;


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



the Children’s Trust had not been approached with regards to the Young People Accessibility Action Plan, however the existing version was with Connexions;



it was important to continue partnership working based on the existing published document;



reductions in the percentage of hospital car park spaces for staff, and a variety of other measures including the erection of a multi storey car park would reduce demand for parking spaces at Derriford Hospital;



alterations to the front entrance of Derriford Hospital had been delayed for 12 months.


Resolved that Accessibility Planning be added to a future agenda in the autumn and that the Assistant Director for Transport provide members with a response with regards to the suggestion that Milehouse Park and Ride incorporate parking for staff and visitors to Derriford Hospital.



The Panel will receive a verbal update on future governance arrangements.


The Director for Development and Regeneration, the Assistant Director for Planning Services and Community Planning and Partnership Coordinator presented draft proposals for the reform of governance arrangements relating to the growth agenda to the Committee.


The Committee was informed that –



the purpose of the revised governance framework was to achieve a clear and effective framework for governance and a powerful voice for representing the growth agenda at international, national and regional level;



the new governance framework set out a more clear and effective framework and enabled delivery of a more joined up approach; the sub region would include Cornwall, Torbay, Devon and South Hams;



Plymouth and its sub region requires a strategic approach to planning and delivering economic growth;



currently there were several groups that worked towards achieving the growth agenda (75+) but no clear structure showing how they all connect and roles they play; because of this there were several consequences such as a diluted strategic leadership, confusion around governance, lack of focus and accountability for delivery, duplication of time and energy of different agencies and lack of attendance at meetings;



there were specific governance needs that needed to be addressed such as the delivery of a shared vision, coordinating delivery of housing, economic development and strategic infrastructure at a sub regional level (part of CIP12), coordinating input into regional programmes, prioritising funding opportunities, clear lines of accountability and a stronger focus all round on delivery;



there were potential alternative forms of governance, such as Multi Area Agreements and Sub regional Economic Prosperity Boards (EPB), and the proposed framework could potentially evolve into formal structures such as these at a later stage if appropriate, but this is not currently proposed;



the key principles underlying the proposed governance arrangements are: simplicity in its overall architecture, flexibility to deliver relevant tasks and evolve into other governance models, strategic focus to address the sub regional dimension of the growth agenda, clarify of function to distinguish between strategy and delivery, and streamlining to reduce the number of supported groups;



a Portfolio Holders Board would have an advisory role on the growth arrangements and would have no executive decision making powers; it would have the remit to join up policy and strategy, promote a coordinated approach of regional and sub-regional policy, coordinate input to other policies which would have an impact or relationship with the growth vision for Plymouth, to promote the vision for Plymouth and the Growth Agenda and to advise on high level investment priorities for coordination by the Plymouth Growth Board;



a Plymouth Growth Board would have a strategic coordinating role and would consist of membership from the Chief Executive or nominated Director from each of the Councils in the sub regional area; it would have the remit to oversee the implementation of the city growth agenda, to identify sub regional priorities for funding, determine growth agenda funding options and priorities, to inform capital programmes,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.



The Panel will consider its draft quarterly report.


The Panel received their quarterly scrutiny report and stated that it was extremely well written however was deficient of data relating to attendance at task and finish group meetings and did not state whether substitutes were provided to panel meetings.


Resolved that task and finish group attendance data be incorporated into the quarterly scrutiny report as well as a list of substitutes and their attendance at meetings.



The Panel will consider its work programme for 2010/2011.


The Panel considered their work programme for 2010/2011 and added the following items for further consideration when finalising work programme.


·        LSP Wealthy Theme Group Work Programme

·        Private Sector Housing Peer Review – Improvement Plan

·        Eastern Corridor Update

·        PCDC Business Plan

·        Transport Asset Management Plan

·        Housing Strategy & Homelessness

·        Growth and Regeneration Delivery Update

·        Worklessness Update

·        Local Development Framework: Annual Monitoring Report

·        Housing Options Review

·        Twice Yearly Plymouth Community Homes – presentation.

·        Local Transport Plan 3

·        Accessibility Planning

·        Waste PFI

·        Review of Governance arrangements

·        Place Management

·        Tourism Strategy

·        Economic Development Update





To monitor progress on previous resolutions.


The Business Manager for Development provided the Panel with an update on their tracking resolutions.


The Panel was informed that –



an updated risk register of remedial works for the Hoe Foreshore had been received by Democratic Support and would enable the task and finish group to have a final meeting; this was currently being arranged;



Destination South West would remain on the Panel’s tracking resolutions until the Tourism Strategy had been completed;



the agenda item regarding the appointment of co-opted representatives onto the Growth and Prosperity Panel had been deferred to the first meeting of the municipal year;



the resolutions regarding Worklessness were due to be submitted to CMT;



the agenda item regarding corporate improvement priorities had been added to the Panel’s agenda under accessibility planning;



the potential task and finish group regarding driving speeds on the Hoe had been added to the Panel’s work programme for 2010/2011; awaiting Councillor call for action.



the request for information regarding the Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report would be submitted to Members by the end of March 2010;



the recommendations submitted to the Management Board regarding Plymouth Housing Services would be followed up at the first meeting of the new municipal year once membership for the Panel had been agreed;



the task and finish group report regarding the Skateboarding By-Law had been approved by the Management Board and would be submitted to CMT;



the agenda item regarding Carbon Reduction Commitment would be submitted to the Management Board on 31 March 2010.


Under this agenda item that Chair thanked Members for their input in the scrutiny process.



To review the panels work programme 09/10.


The Panel noted their work programme.



To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it (they) involve(s) the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


There were no items of exempt business.