Agenda item

Local Development Framework: Submission of Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan

Cabinet Member: Councillor Vincent


The City Council will be asked to consider the Cabinet recommendations. 

Minute 6 (of the Cabinet meeting held on 12 June 2012) and the report of the Director for Place on the Local Development Framework: Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan will be submitted.


Councillor Vincent (Cabinet Member for Environment) submitted the report on the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan and recommended its adoption to Council.


Councillor Evans seconded the motion.


Following a request by 10 Members for a recorded vote, there voted –


For the motion (29)


Councillors Mrs Aspinall, Bowie, Casey, Coker, Damarell, Philippa Davey, Evans, Fox, Gordon, Haydon, Jarvis, Lowry, McDonald, Murphy, Nelder, Parker, Penberthy, Rennie, Singh, John Smith, Peter Smith, Stevens, Jon Taylor, Kate Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler, Williams.


Against the motion (0)




Councillors Ball, Beer, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Browne, Churchill, Darcy, Mrs Dolan, Foster, Mrs Foster, Fry, James, Jordan, Martin Leaves, Mike Leaves, Sam Leaves, Monahan, Nicholson, Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Ricketts, Dr Salter, Stark, Wigens.


Not voting (1)


The Lord Mayor


Agreed to –



the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan Revised Pre-Submission draft is approved, for consultation purposes subject to the following amendments (in italics);




1. b)  The total amount of retail development to be provided on this site by 2016 will ultimately grow to around 8,500 sq m (net) floorspace.  This floorspace will comprise:


i)   a large food store in the order of 7,000 sq m (gross) floorspace.  The food store  should include convenience floorspace and a proportionate area of comparison floorspace and should have a net convenience floorspace of at least 2,500 sq m (net) and


ii)   a range of retail units of varying sizes, including a mix of retail uses and creating a High Street form of development


a)   initial development, by 2016, would provide for one new food store, together with a level of comparison goods floorspace associated with a modest scale District Centre, of a total of some 8,500 sq m (net) floorspace.  The food store needs to be of a scale which attracts main food shopping trips and should comprise elements of convenience and comparison floorspace.  It should have a net convenience floorspace of at least 2,500 sq m and could have an equivalent amount of comparison floorspace, leading to a gross floorspace of around 7,000 sq m.  This form of store will therefore have a mix of floorspace which is similar to that found in other district centres in the north of Plymouth.  The initial development should also provide for a range of retail units creating a mix of retail uses.  In total, some 5,000 sq m (net) comparison floorspace could be created, but the final mix will be dependent on detailed masterplanning and delivery of the centre.’



delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, to agree the final pre-submission format of the Area Action Plan;



delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment to agree minor amendments to the Area Action Plan in response to the consultation process (with any major amendments being referred back to the City Council for approval);



instruct the Assistant Director for Planning to formally submit the Area Action Plan to the Secretary of State after completion of the consultation process.



Supporting documents: