Agenda item


The Board to receive the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


Richard Stephenson introduced the final draft of the Plymouth and Health and Wellbeing Strategic Framework for approval.  It was reported that the production of the framework involved all members of the board over the last 12 months and to thanks to Kevin Elliston, Rob Nelder, David Bearman and Ross Jago for their contributions.


There was a collective understanding on the Health and Wellbeing Board to move the focus away from just health and to draw attention to the strategic approach, make best use of resources and focus the work on the promotion of health and wellbeing.


The Chair suggested an additional recommendation that at the next board a work programme of future items and Solution Shops to be agreed by the board.


It was raised whether the framework was reflected in the Children and Young People’s Partnership, Community Safety Partnership, Growth Board or in any partnership plans?  Carole Burgoyne and Ross Jago to produce a paragraph for inclusion in the strategy on links to the strategic partnerships.


Agreed that –


1.         the board approves the Plymouth Health and Wellbeing Strategic Framework.


2.         at the next board a work programme of future items and Solution Shops to be agreed by the board.

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