Meeting attendance

Thursday 1 February 2007 3.00 pm, Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel previous

Venue:   Council House, Plymouth (next to the Civic Centre)

Contact:    Christine Crown, Democratic Support Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Christine Crown Democratic Support Apologies, sent representative
Derick Bray Member Present
Councillor Thomas Browne Member Present
Councillor Wendy Foster Member Apologies
Patrick Hartop Officer Present
Councillor David Haydon Member Present
Councillor Sally Haydon Vice-Chair Present
Councillor David James Chair Present
Verity Jones Officer Apologies
Councillor Glenn Jordan Member Present
Councillor Tony Kirk Member Present
Councillor Bernard (Claude) Miller MBE Member Present
Prebendary Philpott Co-Optee Present
Mr Kevin Willis Co-Optee Present