Meeting attendance

Wednesday 15 April 2009 2.30 pm, Resources and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Venue:   Council House, Plymouth (next to the Civic Centre)

Contact:    Rachel Watson, Senior Democratic Support Officer (Scrutiny)

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Richard Ball Member Present
Councillor Thomas Browne Member Present
Councillor Tudor Evans OBE Member Present as substitute
Councillor Ken Foster Vice-Chair Absent
Councillor Glenn Jordan Member Absent
Councillor John Lock Member Present
Councillor Mark Lowry Member Present
Christopher Pattison Chair Present
Mr Ian Potts Co-Optee Present
Councillor Steve Ricketts Member Absent
Councillor David Stark Member Present
Jack Thompson Member Present
Councillor Nicky Wildy Member Apologies, sent representative