Councillor Tudor Evans OBE

Profile image for Councillor Tudor Evans OBE

Title: Leader of the Council, and Chair of Chief Officer Appointments Panel

Party: Labour

Ward: Ham

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Mobile:  07766367372


Twitter :  @CouncillorTudor

Facebook :

Plymouth City Council is not responsible for the content of any external link


Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 01/05/1988 - 01/05/1991
  • 01/05/1991 - 01/05/1995
  • 01/05/1995 - 01/05/1997
  • 01/05/1997 - 01/05/2000
  • 04/05/2000 - 04/05/2003
  • 06/05/2003 - 07/05/2007
  • 07/05/2007 - 09/05/2011
  • 09/05/2011 - 11/05/2015
  • 11/05/2015 - 02/05/2019
  • 02/05/2019 - 04/05/2023
  • 04/05/2023 - 06/05/2027

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information




Community Grants 2024/25



Jul 24


To support Jeremiah's Journey which helps people experiencing loss


To contribute towards Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity which gives school children the opportunity to meet people from different faiths and cultures and learn first hand about their life practises.


Aug 24


To support making Mount Wise Pool free to use to encourage more swimming in the City


Sep 24


To support Plymouth Woodcraft Folk to provide more PE / games equipment and activities


To contribute towards the You Can Do It Awards which celebrate the achievements of the councils care experienced children and young people.


To contribute towards Plymouth's Dementia Day Centre to help assist the centre support Plymouth residents with dementia. The Centre provides care and support with people with memory loss, cognitive issues and provides respites for carers


To support the You Can Do It Awards with a contribution towards a tattoo artist to be at the ceremony as entertainment for the young people attending.


To support the Dad's Day Out event with a contribution towards transport costs and entry fees to Dartmoor Zoo to facilitate a free day out for dads and their children.


Oct 24


To support the purchase of new monitors for the community-run radio station Ferndale Community Radio in Ham and the surrounding wards


Dec 24


To contribute towards the Trevi Big Give which supports women experiencing homelessness and abuse at Christmas


To support parents with the cost of school uniforms and other related items.


Grand Total






Community Grants 2023/24



Jun 2023


Contribution towards the work done by Plymouth PIE Club, who support vulnerable and isolated elderly people who are living alone in their home with very few connections.


To support the Safe and Sound Well-being Hub with a contribution towards boxing therapy for vulnerable people aged 10-18.


Jul 2023


To support Crossroads Fun and Friendship Centre with a contribution towards a garden tool storage unit.




To support Plymouth Drake Foundation with a contribution towards books to help promote World Book Day


To support Plymouth Active with a contribution towards the costs of organising a Swimming Gala at Mount Wise to encourage children and the community to enjoy swimming




To support the You Can Do It Awards with a contribution towards supplies for the event such as trophies, face painting and a photographer.


To support for the KadCat drama group which is a fun and friendly community drama group open to adults of all abilities.


To support Plymouth Firebirds Netball Club with a contribution towards new netball equipment.


To support Plymouth Heartbeat with a contribution to all the work that they are doing in the community and also to celebrate their 30th Anniversary event


Nov 2023


To support the SB Girls under 13 football team with a contribution towards new kit.




To support Lark Children's Centre with a contribution towards toys for the children centre.




to support residents of Treveneague Gardens strengthen fences and gates to the fields to ensure no illegal access


To support Art and Energy CIC with a contribution towards a mossy carpet workshop for the children at Mayflower Primary school and Pennycross Primary School.


Grand Total






Community Grants 2022/23





 To support Crossroads Fun and Friendship Centre with a contribution towards the replacement of leads and batteries for their defibrillator machine which enables ongoing use for the community.


To support Lark Children's Centre with community activities to keep friendships and family links going and to contribute towards Sanpro products making them accessible for women and young female adults attending the centre.




To support Clean Our Patch with a contribution towards their School Ambassador Program. This will enable them to host Environmental workshops within Weston Mill Primary School and will provide Litter Picking equipment for the School.




To support the OWSI project working with the Peninsula Dental School to bring dental health education to primary schools within the Ham Ward with a contribution towards to costs of books and other items.




To support Crossroads with a contribution towards the costs of completing their model of the premises.


To support Friends of Ham Woods with a contribution towards the costs of path maintenance and other necessities.


To support Plymouth Artists Together with a contribution towards their anti-graffiti work within the community.




To support the Ferndale Community Tenants Group with a contribution towards their work in the community.


To support the Plymouth Soup Run with a contribution towards the hard work the do throughout the community supporting vulnerable people in need.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2021/22





To support the work of Jeremiah's Journey bereavement charity, as they work with the community of Keyham to provide counselling and support to Keyham families.




To support the Keyham Community with a noticeboard to be placed within North Down Crescent for the benefit of the residents.




To support the Ferndale Community Tenants Group Community Radio Station with a contribution towards office equipment.


To provide a grit bin and contents to Antony Gardens, Ham to benefit the residents in icy conditions.




To support the residents at Ham Green Court and Ham Drive with a contribution towards a refill of the Community Grant Grit Bin that resides there.




To support Plymouth Artists together with a contribution towards the art supplies require to tackle problematic graffiti through voluntary art projects in the Ham ward.


To support Clean Our Patch, who will use this finding to purchase equipment for the litter pickers in the Ham ward.


To support Crossroads Fun and Friendship Centre with the purchase of a large cabinet and plinth that will encase a matchstick model of Morice Baptist Church for all attendees to see and enjoy.


LARK Children's Centre is to support Parents/Carers with children up to the age of 4 years old. This funding will help with running costs for the groups and 1:1 services to which provide information as well as keeping friendships and family links going, with people moving out of the area. Developing fresh ideas to provide the local Ham Ward community with some of the support it needs.


Grand Total






Community Grants 2020/21





To enable Motor Neurone Disease to continue providing a level of support and equipment needed for patients and carers living in Plymouth.


To support Adrenalin Devon Junior Minor League Crowdfunder that provides football opportunities for young people aged 6 - 18 years in the City of Plymouth.




To provide Lark Children's Centre with hand sanitiser and face masks for their vulnerable clients.


To support Plymouth Vineyard with the pop-up Uniform Store Plymouth project with the purchase of vital equipment to get children ready for school such as pencil cases, water bottles as well as the cost of running the project which involves washing, printing and ironing equipment. This will hugely benefit families who have been struggling in Plymouth.




To support Plymouth PIE (Parklifers in Exile) with the ability to provide meals and equipment for their elderly and vulnerable patrons who use the Park Pavilion cafes across the city of Plymouth. 




To contribute towards the Crowdfunder - Christmas in a Box




To support Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity with the training resources for virtual bespoke sessions to schools with online materials.




To support the Pilgrim United Reformed Church with their School Uniform Grant Scheme which helps families who have difficulty with the cost of school uniforms for pupils moving from primary to secondary education. Since inception the scheme has helped 135 families.


To help facilitate Jeremiah's Journey with their peer to peer group meetings with resources as COVID19 restrictions relax. The support approximately 350 local children and their families every year.


To enable Friends and Families of Special Children to provide additional support sessions to the families they support. They have experienced an increased demand due to sheilding and extreme isolation.


To provide new community climbing wall equipment at YMCA Plymouth. This will enable over 100 young people and families get active each month.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2019/20





Plymouth Centre for Faiths & Cultural Diversity provides children with the opportunity to meet people of different faiths and cultures and learn first-hand about their life practices allowing them to gain a greater understanding, respect and tolerance for ways of life that are not families to them. Ensuring the work of the centre continues and develops.




Age UK Plymouth Fun & Friendship event being held in the Jan Cutting Centre on 17 Feb 2020. The event aims to bring people of all ages together to build community connections.


Contribution to Timebank South West who manage weekly neighbourhood socials and activities.


Happy Holiday programme for disadvantaged young people aged 7-12 years. It involves physical activities, enrichment activities, food education and a healthy meal during the school holidays.


To contribute towards All Saints Church of England Academy providing sanitary products for children affected by period poverty.


To contribute towards the funding of the PPL licence for the local radio station at Ferndale Community Tenants Group who promote and protect the interests of local residents with number of clubs and trips.


To help purchase new uniforms for the community choir who provide sociable, inclusive and enjoyable activities for people of all ages and backgrounds.


To support with the purchasing of sanitary products at the Lark Centre for women and children affected by period poverty.




To support Operation Emotion's weekly support group and educational programmes for adult male survivors of sexual abuse in Plymouth.




To provide funds towards fixing the trampoline at the trampoline club aimed at children with disabilities across Plymouth.


Grand Total





Community Grants Scheme 2018/19





Donation to the You and me Mum programme at Lark Centre


Donation to assist in costs of replacing the flooring to the outside play area of the Lark Centre




To help support the Tea and Toast provision at NPCL; based in Stoke but provides support to Ham ward residents


To help support the Crossroads Fun and Friendship Centre 25th Birthday Celebrations




North Prospect History museum to purchase and install a Tommy remembrance figure


To support the Ferndale Community Tenants Group with a new ID Card Printer – for safety and security is important




 For the Ham component of the Food Plymouth - Growing Community Abundance project around the Beacon centre on Ham Drive. This will fund 3 monthly sessions to prune the trees and grape vines, remove weeds, mulching and planting in the gaps in the community garden area at the Beacon.  Food harvested during the sessions will be shared with residents.  The sessions will include fun things to do for children too e.g. snail races, wildlife quiz, treasure (or Easter egg) hunt to make the days great fun and relevant to local families.


To contribute towards Marine Academy Plymouth providing sanitary products for children affected by period poverty.


To contribute towards All Saints C of E Academy providing sanitary products for children affected by period poverty.


To contribute towards Lark Children's centre providing sanitary products for children affected by period poverty.


Grand Total





Community Grants Scheme 2017/18





One Small Candle - Pilgrim Fathers Promo


Cross Roads Fun & Friends - Mosaic Garden




Laser printer ink for Ferndale Community Tenants Group Newsletters




Pennycross church - New Blinds


Grand Total





Community Grant Scheme 2016 to 2017



Blinds for the windows at Pennycross Church


Community members engaging in this years’ summer programme which has been supported by Wolseley trust. Depending on costs of entry and transport it’s anticipated the funding offered would accommodate 50 people.


Costumes & activities around the city promoting the Pilgrim Fathers - One small candle


Day trips for North Prospect Children's Group


Equipment for Devonport boxing club


Funding for the World on the Green project at North Prospect


Grant towards the hiring of a room by the choir


Social activities for Lark Sure Start


Grand Total





Community Grant Scheme 2015 to 2016



You Can do It Achievement Awards Ceremony 2015 (joint application with Councillors)



North Prospect & Ham Dad’s grant for hiring vehicles to  help them carry out activities


Garden Mosaic Project – Crossroads Fun & Friendship Centre


Donation towards the repair of the flooring at St Pancras Church


Training equipment for MAP Kings U12’s football team (joint application with Councillors McDonald £50, Penberthy £50 & Tuffin £50)


Support for Community Health in Lipson (joint application with Councillors Tuffin £200, Penberthy £50, Jarvis £500, Sparling £50, Singh £300, Coker £100, McDonald £100, Riley £100, Rennie £200, P Davey £100, K Taylor £400, Aspinall £200, Stevens £50, Dann £200, Mrs Bridgeman £50, Martin Leaves £166, Mahony £167 & Mrs Nicholson £167)





Community Grant Scheme 2014 to 2015



Printer for Ferndale Community Tenants Group


Projection screen & DVD player for St Pancras Church Centre


2ply Timebank Community Easter Funday


2ply Timebank Easter Community activities and trip


Wooden bench for Ham Woods


Renovation of the garden at North Prospect House for Plymouth History Festival to turn it into a WWII theme garden with Anderson Shelter


Contribution towards music event in North Prospect


Replacement sign for Mowhay Road entrance to Ham Woods
