Outside body

Devonport Local Liaison Committee


Summary of Terms of Reference



The Devonport Local Liaison Committee consists of Ministry of defence Officers and representatives of Devonport Royal Dockyard Ltd (DML) who can give the information and assurance required by the terms of reference, together with representatives from the relevant civil and local authorities, elected members for the relevant local authorities and those government departments and/or national organisations involved in the protection of the public. Representatives of the media and members of the public may attend this meeting in an observation role only. A list of members of this Committee is shown in Annex 2A, the Terms of Reference are in Annex 2F and further detail is given in Chapter 4.


The Terms of Reference for the LLC are:


  1. To inform local people of hazards involved, to convey to the lay public the significance of any incident and to create administrative machinery for the protection of the population in the unlikely event of a serious accident.
  2. To provide a forum to communicate and discuss nuclear safety issues with

    representatives of members of the public.  

Contact information

Dave Bate
Civil Protection Service

Email: civil.protection@plymouth.gov.uk

Our representatives