Outside body

Municipal Charities of Plymouth


Summary of Terms of Reference


For the Plymouth Municipal Charities there are a number of co-opted Trustees (between five and eight in number) and four representative Trustees.


The representative trustees are appointed by the City Council and serve for periods of three years regardless of what happens on the political scene in the meantime.

The Trustees meet every other month and are responsible for the running and management of the John Gayer and Rawlin Homes Almshouses at Green Street, Charles Cross which provide sixteen Almshouses available for ladies of retirement age who have Naval connections and who have lived in Plymouth for many years and are of limited means.


The Trustees also manage two smaller grant making trusts, namely the Orphans' Aid Educational Foundation which provides small educational and clothing grants for school children (preferably of secondary school age) and the Joan Bennett Exhibition Endowment which provides occasional grants to help young people from Plymouth to set up in work or for special educational purposes.


The Muncipial Charities of Plymouth meet six times a year.


Contact information

Lizzy Leonard
Clerk and Treasurer to the Trustees

Our representatives