Councillor Jemima Laing

Profile image for Councillor Jemima Laing

Title: Deputy Leader of the Council, and Cabinet Member for Children's Social Care, Culture and Communications. Chair of Corporate Parenting Group

Party: Labour

Ward: Stoke

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Council House
Plymouth City Council
Armada Way


Mobile:  07876 367569

Twitter :  @jemimalaing

Facebook :  /CllrJemimaLaing

Download Councillor Jemima Laing contact details as VCard

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Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 27/07/2018 - 02/05/2019
  • 02/05/2019 - 04/05/2023
  • 04/05/2023 - 06/05/2027

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information




Community Grants 2024/25



May 24


To support with a contribution towards St Levan Park Family Fun Day 2024 for local families and the


Jul 24


The Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council has organised the International Respect Kite Festival on Saturday 27th July on Plymouth Hoe. 


To support Poetry at the PPL with a contribution towards poetry events that aim to bring poets and fans of poetry together.


To contribute towards Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity which gives school children the opportunity to meet people from different faiths and cultures and learn first hand about their life practises.


Aug 24


To support Diverse Events to enable them to have an
event on the 25th of August in Central Park.


To support the Youth Mental Health Foundation with a contribution towards assemblies and workshops in local schools to help build mental health resilience and self esteem for school children in Plymouth.


To support people with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Elhers-Danlos Syndrome and other connective tissue disorders to attend sessions for yoga, relaxation and breath awareness classes


Sep 24


To support the purchase of materials to paint a mural in Stoke Ward


To support an initiative hosted by the Diversity Business Incubator in collaboration with The Box. The Bazaar showcases the diverse food, produce and creative work existing in the city.


To contribute towards the You Can Do It Awards which celebrate the achievements of the councils care experienced children and young people.


To support the This is Us! Neurodiversity Festival Crowdfunder


Oct 24


To contribute towards CASSPLUS which provides support to families involved in the justice system. They help those unable to afford solicitors and help prepare paperwork for those trying to get access to see their children.


All Ways Apples and Pickle and Jam


Impossible Things Crowdfund request - Impossible Things - a Creative & Arts crowdfunding project in Plymouth by Diane Manoury


Nov 24


To support Laura Horton Productions by purchasing equipment to crochet a life sized cow and to assist with the 'Lynn Faces' play which aims to raise awareness of Domestic Abuse.


To support Victoria Park Community with a contribution towards decorations, mince pies and mulled wine for a Christmas carol service.


Dec 24


To support The Lady Gardeners with a contribution towards travel costs so the show can attend the Edinburgh Fringe and advertisement to help find a wider audience.


Grand Total







Community Grants 2023/24





Contribution towards Plymouth Proprietary Library promotion campaign to ensure local residents are aware of the services they provide, including monthly coffee mornings and make them aware of the benefits of Plymouth Proprietary Library as a warm space.


To support St Leven Park Neighbourhood Watch Scheme with a contribution towards the children's entertainment and facilitates at the St Levan Park Family Fun Day for local families and the community.


Contribution towards the running of Stoke Village Fun Day for the local community


Contribution towards the picnic for Care Leavers Day Trip 2




To support the Plymouth Pie Club with a contribution towards the work they do within the community and the supplies they need to help serve meals to vulnerable people within the community


To support Friends of Devonport Park with a contribution towards a band for the Devonport Park Proms in the Park event




Support Soapbox Children's Theatre


Grant for litter picking equipment and a community garden barbeque for Rectory Residents


To support Stuart Road Primary with a contribution to remove and update their old computer room, turning it into an experiences room to be used by the whole school. 


To support Plymouth Active with a contribution towards the costs of organising a Swimming Gala at Mount Wise to encourage children and the community to enjoy swimming




To support St Marks Plymouth with a contribution towards furniture and play equipment for a new baby and toddler group.


To support the You Can Do It Awards with a contribution towards supplies for the event such as trophies, face painting and a photographer.




To support Stuart Road Primary Academy with a contribution towards the cost of a Scooter Pod which will protect pupil’s scooters.


To support The Legacy Choir, with a contribution towards the cost of transport and accommodation to allow them to take part in the Music for Youth Proms at the Royal Albert Hall.


To support the Friends of Paradise Field with a contribution towards the costs of preparing the grounds at Paradise Field to allow the sowing and creation of a Wildflower Meadow in the area.


Shekinah Stonehouse Creek Refurbishment Project Crowdfunder




To support the 8th Plymouth Boys Brigade with a contribution towards art supplies.


To support the Friends of Paradise Road with a contribution towards the installation of a bench in Paradise Fields.


Grand Total






Community Grants 2022/23





To support the crowdfunder for The Gathering a project celebrating Plymouth's links to the sea.




To support Scott medical and Healthcare College with a contribution towards a trip to Borneo for the students. This trip will enable students to participate in a Borneo wildlife and conservation course and help with biodiversity surveys as well as complete a scuba diving course (PADI Open Water) and marine ecology course.


To support Stoke Damerel Community College with a contribution towards the equipment needed for 48 students attending a World War One Battlefields trip in July 2022.


To support the Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with maintenance and care of The Shed on North Down Crescent to facilitate the organisation's work.


Supporting Friends of Devonport Park with a contribution towards a new base in the park for growing and cultivating plants for Devonport Park.




To purchase a greenhouse for the Wingfield Road Community Garden, which will allow users to grow a wider range of plants in their garden.


To support Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity with its ongoing educational and community ventures which gives children the opportunity to meet people of different Faiths and Cultures and learn first-hand about their life practices within the Stoke ward.




To support the Plymouth PIE Club in their work around the community providing meals to the elderly and the vulnerable residents of Plymouth.




To support Crops Keyham Green Places with a contribution towards the purchasing of food items for their food bank.




To support The Rotary Club of Plymouth with a contribution towards flower beds for outside the Church Street, Car Park in Stoke.


To support the You Can Do It Awards with a contribution towards entertainment, food, drinks and other items for Care Experienced Young People.




To support students at Stuart Road Primary with a contribution towards a scooter pod, this will promote walking, cycling and scootering to school.




To support the OWSI project working with the Peninsula Dental School to bring dental health education to primary schools within the Stoke Ward with a contribution towards to costs of books and other items.


To support the Uniform Store with a contribution towards their crowdfunder


To support St Levan Park Neighbourhood Watch with a contribution towards a casing for a defibrillator, this will enable the defibrillator to be housed outside local businesses in Stoke.




To support the Three Towns Troubadours with a contribution towards organising three Poetry Nights at the Plymouth Proproetry Library.




To support Devonport Services Rugby Football Club with a contribution towards the cost of a gazebo and other equipment and kit for the under 6's Youth Team.


To support Pollenize CIC with a contribution towards Wildflower Seed Packets for residents to plant, providing food for pollinators


To support Big Sis CIC with a contribution towards workbooks, menstrual products and other materials required their Girls Mentoring programme and confidence club for 9-12 Year olds.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2021/22





This will be used to support Stoke Damerel Church Community Project, who run in partnership with City College Plymouth, in providing various gardening equipment for students with learning difficulties. Initially, the students will be doing light weeding and litter picking, but it is hoped that they might go on to planting vegetables and flowers.


To provide plants and bushes to assist the volunteers from the Rotary Club in maintaining their flower beds outside the Church Street Car Park in Stoke.




To support the work of Jeremiah's Journey bereavement charity, as they work with the community of Keyham to provide counselling and support to Keyham families.




To support Swarthmore Allotment Association with a contribution towards urgent repairs needed to their trading hut, which will allow it to continue to be used as a vital community hub and for fundraising.


To support the Keyham Community with a noticeboard to be placed within North Down Crescent for the benefit of the residents.


To help fund the Plymouth PIE Club in delivering and supporting meals.




To contribute towards the - You Can Do It Awards event for care experienced young people


To help PTA at Stuart Road Academy to buy whiteboards.


To support Plymouth Artist's Together help the community by putting artwork on the unloved and neglected spaces in our City. This will help with the purchase of supplies and materials needed for a piece of street art on Molesworth Road.




To support 10 Devonport Cubs, who meet just outside of Stoke Ward, with a contribution towards activities for Young People from the Stoke Ward.


To support Friends of Devonport Park with a contribution towards the installation of new railings at the war memorial, as well as a new memorial rose area, within the bounds of the existing, but currently full, Devonport Park Memorial Garden.




To support the Local Community in Plymouth with a contribution towards the Respect Festival 2022 which is being organised by the Plymouth & District Racial Equality Council


To support the community at Victoria Park with a contribution towards the purchasing of 350 Plants for the park and also funding towards a Gardening Trolley.


To support Plymouth Artists Together to create a mural on the side of the wall of the substation next to St Levan Park, which is at risk of further tagging.


To Support Friends of Paradise Field with a contribute towards the purchase of a noticeboard for Paradise Field.




To support Young People in Plymouth with a Contribution towards the Youth Service Team, this will help provide recovery for Young People affected by the Keyham Shooting.


To support Stoke Damerel School with a contribution towards Connections Seadream Trust Workshops with KS3 Pupils covering the Environment and how we rely on Ecosystems.


To purchase protective paint to protect the mural in St Levan Park.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2020/21





To support Stoke Damerel Pre-School with equipment to help them deal with the challenges of Covid. Items including tables, fencing and paving for the garden area.


To support the Beyond Face core team so that can continue to deliver and support the young people, artists and communities they work with. Their work is vital to ensuring that the South West Arts ecology comes back stronger on the other side of the Covid-19 crisis and that the voices of the Black, Asian and Ethnic Minorities are not erased.


To support Real Ideas Organisation with the 'Let's Create Art Packs' project run by RIO to deliver crafting materials to vulnerable families across the city. Packs include pencils, paper, glue and more.




To Support BASICS Devon, to contribute towards the cost of a volunteer responder and help reduce the strain on the ambulance service. Help reduce response times, reach vulnerable communities faster and save lives.


To support with the purchase of a new kit for the Chaddlewood Miners A.F.C, to which have a large volume of young players from the Stoke ward.


To donate to the Crowdfunding page - Jack Leslie Statue Campaign.


To replace materials being used to maintain the garden at The Kintsugi Project CIC to which have been stolen.




To support with the programme Healthy Mind Holiday Camps which are led by Artherne CIC who recognises the importance of having physical health and mental health balance and supported equally in order to help people to thrive. These camps ensure that children and young adults can the help they need easily.


To support Plymouth Vineyard with the pop-up Uniform Store Plymouth project with the purchase of vital equipment to get children ready for school such as pencil cases, water bottles as well as the cost of running the project which involves washing, printing and ironing equipment. This will hugely benefit families who have been struggling in Plymouth.


To support Victoria Park Community Project with a contribution towards the purchase of fencing, seeds and plants which will encourage wildlife to Victoria Park, benefitting the park users.




To donate to the Crowdfunding page - Trevi DIY SOS




In preparation for a second lockdown, the Lockdown Learning Project is run by both Saltram and Ivybridge Rotary Clubs. The project will benefit children who do not have access to computers within the local schools.


To support 1st Keyham Scout Group with a new plastic roof to be used at the Scout Headquarters in Keyham. This will give further weatherproofing areas for the young people to meet at a socially distance manner. 


To support Plymouth PIE (Parklifers in Exile) with the ability to provide meals and equipment for their elderly and vulnerable patrons who use the Park Pavilion cafes across the city of Plymouth. 




To contribute towards the Crowdfunder - Christmas in a Box


To contribute towards the Crowdfunder - Wild Possibilities Wellbeing Woodland


To contribute to the Crowdfunder - Thorody Flax Project


Grand Total





Community Grants 2019/20



Jun - 19


Plymouth Pride 2019 Crowdfunder. http://https//


Jul -19


Special Olympics 2019 as part of the Mayflower 400 celebrations


Stiltskin Arts & Theatre Company- To install an emergency pull cord alarm in their new disabled toilet.


Aug - 19


To support with providing the Managers of the Railway Beacon YFC with First Aid training.


Respect Festival 14th September 2019 - the event's 21st birthday party, bringing the city's diverse communities together to celebrate our differences and commonalities through, music, food and dance.


To stage a Mayflower 400 event in the Minster Church of St Andrew. Funds will go towards staging the


Sept - 19


To support North Plymouth Youth Project with purchasing of food and practical cooking utensils to enable them to provide support and guidance around parenting, personal emotional and practical support for parents with young children.


Oct - 19


Defibrillator for Plymouth Petanque Club


Jan - 20


To provide support with the purchase of wooden kitchen equipment for the toddlers to enjoy at the toddler group in the Stoke ward.


To contribute towards the hire of a venue for Respect Festival


Feb - 20


To support Operation Emotion's weekly support group and educational programmes for adult male survivors of sexual abuse in Plymouth.


Care leavers party facilitated by Eat that Frog.


To contribute to the cost of a minibus for Stuart Road Primary School


Support Central Park Parkrun by providing start-up funding and make the event accessible to all whilst promoting health and wellbeing.


Money to provide books for a pupil reward scheme


This is a contribution towards the cost of topsoil for the Rectory Residents Communal Garden area. The residents of the Rectory Road area will largely be the beneficiaries


Grand Total





Community Grants Scheme 2018/19





To provide a contribution towards a shed for the Swarthmore Allotments




Contribution towards a gate as part of the community project by Rectory Residents Association Stoke Ward.


To contribute towards the Snapdragons project in the Stoke Ward.




To provide funds to the Annual Fostering Awards of Excellence on 01/03/2019.


To contribute towards providing portaloos at the St Levan Park Community Fun Day in July.




To help St Keyham Scout Group develop a formally unused and overgrown area in their grounds into an outdoor classroom with artificial grass and extended canopy.




 To the Stoke Traders and Residents Association towards the costs of their summer fun day.


To help St Barnabas on Albert Road in Stoke buy a fridge freezer for storing food they provide on Open Church Tuesdays.


Exim Dance Company to support their female youth dance provision programme for those aged between 12-16 years. The groups have been set up for young girls that suffer from social isolation, mental health, lack of confidence, deprivation and disadvantaged backgrounds and to increase community activities in the chosen areas. The programme seeks to provide them with a safe space to come together weekly, build on confidence, leadership and employability skills and to partake in accredited dance leaderships courses.


Support the Platform 50 Crowd funder.


Grand Total
