Agenda and minutes

Venue: Windsor House

Contact: Amelia Boulter 

No. Item


Chair's Introduction


Andy Bickley, Independent Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and presented to the Board an update of activity as Chair since the last meeting. It was reported that he has -


·         looked at the infrastructure of the Board and met with Tracy Lee, Chief Executive and started to have the conversations on the effectiveness of this Board;


·         met with Karen Marcellino of Healthwatch regarding their contribution and the Board’s involvement with that group;


·         attended the PAUSE meeting,  was made very welcome and discussed user engagement, the level of commitment and support, and  how they can work with us.  They want to improve engagement and are struggling to recruit volunteers.  PAUSE get involved with a number of groups by attending their  coffee mornings and raising awareness on safeguarding concerns by holding  a quiz for carers;  around 30 people attend  these events;


·         PAUSE have an ongoing issue on how to make an alert when going through the switchboard.  Was an equality impact assessment undertaken?  No.  We need to undertake an EIA on the how to make the alert and use PAUSE and others to address this. Jane Elliott Toncic will pick this up on behalf of this board.  We have identified engagement as an area of board service development;


·         Some PAUSE members attended the recent financial awareness training which was well delivered and feedback on the training very positive;


·         Received feedback on issues around home care provision – committed to maintaining the link into commissioning to pick up with the providers to address this;


·         looking at the Board and how it aligns with other groups in the city and to understand the service issues;


·         focus on infrastructure to support this Board and develop an Executive Group and Sub Groups; this has to be as lean as we can possibly make it for partners to engage in a positive way;


·         developing the plan for the next 3 years and what do we need to develop as a Board, how we work as Board outside of the meeting, and understanding the agenda;


·         how we audit safeguarding and have a clear understanding of areas needing to be addressed,  and focus on this at future  meetings;


·         relationship with the Health and Wellbeing Board and the fundamentals moving forward.



Agreed that –


1.         The Board to look at performance in more detail and the areas that this Board need to focus on.


2.         Equality and Impact Assessment to be undertaken on the ‘how to make an alert’.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Agreed that the minutes held on the 30 January 2015 be confirmed.


Matters Arising


·         Minute 27 – PSAB Business Plan will be sign off by this Board at this meeting.

·         Minute 30 – Financial Abuse.  Links have been established with the Police and this action is carried forward.

·         Minute 30 – Care Act.  Action completed.

·         Minute 31 – PSAB Performance indicators.  Performance to inform 2015/16 strategic plan and this would be discussed later in the agenda.

·         Minute 32 – DoLS.  Risk and board accountability and the areas we will look at.  Further discussions in place on future work.  DoLS to be a standing agenda item for this Board.

·         Minute 32 – NHS Bid.  A bid was submitted and awarded £8k, arrangements being made to draw this money down.

·         Minute 33 – SAB Business 2015-16.  The Chair has worked with Jane Elliot Toncic developing the business plan.  This item will be discussed under agenda item 5.


Declarations of Interest


In accordance with the code of conduct the following declarations were made –






Andy Bickley

SCR Update

High level involvement in the Police response in his previous role. 




SAB Business 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair shared with the Board the Strategic Plan and structure for the Plymouth Safeguarding Adults Board.  The Chair asked Board members to review and feedback any comments but would also welcome any obvious feedback today.  The logo will be looked at but appreciate that Plymouth City Council are the lead partner for this Board.  It was reported that -


·         there was a need to understand the relationship of this Board with the Health and Wellbeing Board and other groups; 


·         we need to understand the governance and what we will be focussing on, a lot of things have changed since the 1 April 2015 and need to look at how this all joins up;


·         the recently published Domestic Homicide Review is a useful learning tool and the  link will be circulated to Board members;


·         at the next Board meeting look at performance in more detail and the areas of the performance that we need to focus on.  DS Paul Northcott added that it was important to look at areas of challenge and to capture this within the annual report;


·         getting a framework around the key priorities and looking at the likely timings. Recognise the need for named individuals to be assigned to each objective for  accountability;


·         within the plan there is a need for Board members to form a series of task and finish groups and accordingly would like full commitment from the board;


·         Geoff Baines raised that this is the first strategic plan for this Board and there wasn’t an established discipline for using one or basic rules of engagement.  Need to have the early rules agreed and if things do change there is an agreed process to make the necessary changes;


·         Tony Staunton added that there is a need for clarity on the role for the sub groups regarding what they are tasked to undertake.  The Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board worked extensively to make sure they had the right group and devolved power to agree to things, and ensured capacity to  undertake work  and report back into the board.  This Board needs to be really clear on what you want the sub groups to do;


·         keen to understand through our performance how well we are doing and how we manage and mitigate risks;


·         PSCB request their members to sign a Declaration of Interest form and would like the same for PSAB;


·         would like the PSAB to have a development day to develop relationships and look at what works well and not so well.  Looking at holding two dates this year and will circulate dates;


·         looking at different venues and settings for holding meetings, to make the Board more accessible and to raise our profile within the community.  Look at what is free across the city, maybe an open day and looking for suggestions;


·         there was a gap in the membership from primary care. People with experience in safeguarding can provide feedback from residential and domiciliary care providers. They have direct  contact with  adults at risk; we could look  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Safeguarding Manager Report pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


The Safeguarding Manager’s Report was noted by the Board.


MCA/DoLS Update pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


Ros Azzam provided the Board with an update on the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).  Most safeguarding boards include MCA as part of their agenda.  Does this board retain or continue to have an oversight of MCA in Plymouth?


The following comments were made -


·         this was important to safeguarding and there are a number of vulnerable groups we have to safeguard;  around this table we have different responsibilities and tend to think about our own agencies’ perspectives  rather than as a board;

·         we need to identify the most vulnerable groups and  provide advice and support.  Work is required with agencies on whether they understand the issues surrounding DoLS? 

·         a proposal was put to the Board for a MCA working group to continue to  take forward any actions, to check  implementation of DoLS including the 2014 Supreme Court judgement and recent guidance.  Geoff Baines volunteered  to draw up a Terms of Reference and lead this group  with representation from this board;


·         the Board to continue to receive regular updates on MCA and DoLS;


·         the £8k received from NHS England was being used to develop a training session around the Advanced Decisions and Lasting Powers of Attorney.  The CCG also has some money from the same source, and will link with this Board.


Agreed that –


1.         a task and finish group is set up and led by Geoff Baines working with Ros Azzam and Ian Stephenson to prepare a brief around MCA. .  Also look at MCA in terms of young people from 16 to 18 years. 


2.         An update to be provided to the Board on how DoLS applications are being dealt with.


3.         DoLS and MCA briefings to be circulated to the PSAB Members between meetings.




Karen Marcellino from Healthwatch was invited to attend the meeting to provide the Board with an overview of Healthwatch as a service and how they provide an assurance to the public.  It was reported that –


·         Healthwatch Plymouth was entering into the third year of the contract and spent the first year building a credible evidence bank and the second year focussing on some of the issues raised;


·         they had received 5,000 pieces of feedback and they are predominately positive.  Starting to see an increase in social care provision and it is clear that people understand health but do not understand the social care arena as well;


·         Healthwatch have a seat on the Health and Wellbeing Board.


In response to questions raised, it was reported that –


·         there was more to do in terms of marketing to raise awareness of safeguarding;


·         they do receive a lot of feedback and have a lot of analysis and can report back to this Board any relevant feedback.


Any Other Business


The Chair raised the following items of any other business -


(a)         Proposed partnership expenditure


Julian Mouland thanked Board members for their contributions.  The Business Plan needs to be resourced and the percentages would be similar to last year.  The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has given agreement to a contribution for 2015-16.


                        Agreed that -


1.    Jane Richards to make contact with Charlotte Coker regarding the seat on this Board and financial contribution to the PSAB.


2.    The budget to be formally signed off at the next board meeting.


3.    The PSAB Terms of Reference to include a shared understanding of the pooled budget.


(b)          PSAB Annual Conference


The Chair was pleased that this year’s event was on plan to be delivered. Consideration needs to be given to whether this becomes a regular event.  This was noted by Board members.


(c)         Police Review


                        DS Paul Northcott reported that there was movement on this.  The Public Protection Unit are undergoing a process of change and by the end of the year an additional 30 officers will be placed into the team.  The roll out for Plymouth will be in October 2015.


(d)          Thank you to Karen Grimshaw


The Chair will draft a letter to be sent to Karen Grimshaw to formally record her contribution to this Board and her continued work with this Board.


Future Agenda Items, Confirmation of Future Meeting Dates


The next meeting of the Plymouth Safeguarding Adults Board will take place on Thursday 16 July 2015 at 10 am.


Exempt Business

To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it (they) involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Agreed that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public are excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


SCR Update


Julian Mouland provided the Board with an update on the Serious Case Review.


Risk Management/Self Neglect Update pdf icon PDF 90 KB


Julian Mouland raised an action from last board meeting on self-neglect.  Self-neglect was a high risk for the city and priority for this Board.  Reflecting on the work from a recent multi-agency review which recognised the issue of self-neglect and highlighted that a lot of agencies were aware of this issue but not enough co-ordinated partnership working was taking place around the person involved.  Requests for nominations to form a working group to look at this action have been sent and this is a high priority for this Board for 2015.


Board members suggested the need for public awareness raising on the issue ; to be considered by the working group.