Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council House, Plymouth

Contact: Amelia Boulter  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Cabinet Members will be asked to make any declarations of interest in respect of items on this agenda.  A flowchart providing guidance on interests is attached to assist councillors.

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There were no declarations of interest made by members in respect of items on this agenda.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To sign and confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on

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Agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2016.



Questions from the Public

To receive questions from the public in accordance with the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five clear working days before the date of the meeting.


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Two questions were submitted by the public.  Andrew Kerswell and Alison Casey were present at the meeting to ask their questions. 


Question submitted by: Andrew Kerswell


To the Cabinet Member for Transport and Housing Delivery  – Councillor Ricketts



This council claims to support the vulnerable this decision just shows you do not it’s the most vulnerable this hits hardest. Disabled persons are least who can afford this increase let alone be able to walk, or stand to pay handle the ticket or coins so can you reconsider this?



On the 6th December 2016 the Council announced a range of proposals relating to parking, as part of a Parking Modernisation Plan; proposals which the Council advised would be subject to consultation.


A meeting has already undertaken with the Plymouth Disability Action Network in relation to the proposals relating to blue badge holders and the Council will shortly announce details of when the consultation will commence on these proposals. The consultation period will run for 21 days and include details of the proposals published in the media and advertised through notices placed within car parks and On Street locations. Anyone is able to make representations in relation to any, or all, of the proposals during the consultation period.


All of the proposals, including those relating to blue badge holders, will be considered once the consultation has concluded. This enables the Council to review and consider all representations received, whereby the Council will then decide whether to implement, or not to implement, any of the proposals.



Question submitted by: Alison Casey


To the Leader of the Council – Councillor Bowyer



According to homeless organisations in Plymouth we still have a problem with homeless and rough sleepers. If this is correct – my question is:


Couldn't Plymouth follow the incentive that Exeter city council has taken by opening up one of their empty premises - if funding was available to run this?




We are proud of our recent history on homelessness in the City and continue to work closely with homeless organisations in Plymouth, but would agree there is more work to do.


We continue to ensure that Homelessness and Rough Sleeping is a priority for us as a city.


We have a good track record of maintaining funding into this sector and work well with our partners and stakeholders and through groups such as the Complex Lives partnership group continue to adapt and improve the single homelessness pathway.


We do not believe that the type of accommodation suggested in the question is needed in Plymouth at this time because currently in Plymouth we have 217 units of supported/hostel accommodation with a further 28 rooms in shared accommodation/move on accommodation with more to come on stream. We are working with all our partner agencies to ensure that we commission the right amount and types of accommodation to meet the complex needs of those who find themselves homeless or rough sleeping.


Partner agencies currently use a central assessment centre which has  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Chair's Urgent Business

To receive reports on business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be brought forward for urgent consideration.


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There were no items of Chair’s Urgent Business.


Council Tax Base pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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Councillor Darcy introduced the Council Tax Base report and it was agreed that Cabinet recommend to Council the approval of the Council Tax Base for 2017/18 as set out in the report.


Council Tax Support Scheme pdf icon PDF 267 KB

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Councillor Downie introduced the Council Tax Support Scheme which includes the findings of the council tax support scheme consultation that informs the development of the revised scheme for 2017/18.  Councillor Downie highlighted a number of changes to the recommendations.


Agreed that Cabinet recommend to City Council -


1.               That the council tax support scheme is revised to -


a.                   Reduce the period a person can be absent from Great Britain and still receive Council Tax Support to 4 weeks.


b.               Remove entitlement to the Severe Disability Premium where someone with a disability is cared for by another person who receives Universal Credit with a Carer’s Element.


c.                   Remove the additional earnings disregard and apply the standard earnings disregards regardless of hours worked to those claimants who receive Universal Credit.


d.                   Assume a set minimum income within the calculation of Council Tax Support for self-employed earners after a 1 year’s self-employment (implementation delayed until 2018/19 financial year).


e.                   Remove the work related activity component in the calculation of the current scheme for new Employment and Support claimants (implementation delayed until 2018/19 financial year).


2.               To approve the revised exceptional hardship policy.


Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry - 2017/18 Revenue Estimates and Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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Councillor Nicholson presented the Tamar Bridge Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee’s (TBTFJC) 2017/18 Revenue Estimates and Capital Programme report submitted to TBTFJC on 24 November 2016 and the draft minutes recording the endorsement.


Agreed that Cabinet recommends the Tamar Bridge Torpoint Ferry Joint Committee’s 2017/2018 Revenue Estimates and Capital Programme to Full Council for approval.



Pensions (DELT) pdf icon PDF 134 KB

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Councillor Darcy introduced his paper on Pensions (DELT) which seeks approval to change the accounting method for the pension liabilities of the employees who were in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) when they transferred to DELT. This change is intended to create a better position for DELT to grow. DELT obtained admitted body status (ABS) and closed the LGPS to new DELT employees in May 2016.


Agreed that:


1.         Approve the change of pension arrangements with effect from the 1 April 2016 so that the Council make provision for DELT LGPS pension liabilities at the end of the DELT contract on the Council’s Balance Sheet rather than on DELT’s Balance Sheet.


2.         Delegate to the Assistant Director for Finance (Section 151 Officer) the responsibility of notifying the Devon LGPS Pension Fund Administrators of the proposed changes.


3.         Delegate to the Assistant Director for Finance (Section 151 Officer) the responsibility to work with Devon Pensions, DELT and to represent the Council to amend the Pensions Admission Agreement and any other contract to reflect the proposed changes.


4.         Instruct the Councils DELT Owner shareholder representative to advise the DELT Board to amend DELTs employers’ contribution rate for the DELT LGPS employees for the remainder of the DELT contract (from 12.0%).


Treasury Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 48 KB

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Councillor Darcy presented the Treasury Management Strategy.  The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Public Services requires local authorities to set a Treasury Management Strategy on an annual basis to include the Annual Investment Statement and the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement.


Agreed that Cabinet recommends the Treasury Management Strategy 2017/18 (incorporating the authorised limits, operational boundaries and prudential indicators) to the Council for approval.


Waterfront BID Review pdf icon PDF 167 KB

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Councillor Jordan presented the Waterfront BID review.  This report sets out Plymouth City Council’s support for the renewal of the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership (PWP) Business Improvement District (BID) for Plymouth’s Waterfront. It defines the Council’s financial and other support for PWP’s Waterfront BID2 (2017-22) as well as a commitment to establish baseline agreements for the City Council’s existing services within the BID area.


Chris Arscott, Chairman of the Waterfront BID acknowledged Plymouth City Council’s support for the Waterfront BID and highlighted popular events that have taken place on the waterfront.  The BID would improve business profitability; celebrate heritage and community engagement whilst making the most of Mayflower 400.


Agreed that Cabinet:


1.         Endorse the principles and overall approach of the draft Waterfront BID2 Business Plan 2017-2022.

            Reason: To confirm the partnership approach to the Waterfront Business Improvement District and establish a framework for service improvement mechanisms within the Business Improvement District area.


2.         Approve the City Council’s existing and new commitments to secure financial, match and in kind contributions (totalling c8,911,000) and continued commitment to support the Waterfront BID at existing levels through the proposed BID Contract for the provision of services within the Waterfront Business Improvement District area.

            Reason: To enable the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership to implement the Business Plan 2017-2022.


3.         Authorise the Chief Executive to instruct a Ballot Holder to undertake a ballot of appropriate businesses with the Waterfront Business Improvement District area.

            Reason: To enable a ballot in the Business Improvement District area to be conducted in accordance with Section 35 of the Representation of the People Act 1983.


4.         Delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to vote on behalf of the City Council in the Waterfront Business Improvement District ballot.

            Reason: To discharge the City Council’s responsibilities in relation to the ballot as an occupier within the Waterfront Business Improvement District area in a timely manner consistent with the Business Improvement District ballot programme and in order to achieve the City Council’s wider economic and regeneration objectives for the city.


5.         Delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to approve the Waterfront Business District Contract provided that it accords with the general principles set out in this report.

            Reason: To allow the Business Improvement District Contract to be formally signed after the Business Improvement District ballot and in advance of the formal commencement of the new Business Improvement District for the period 2017-2022.


6.         PCC is responsible for managing Street Trading activity within the Waterfront BID area, with an agreed surplus of a minimum £20k generated from street trading, café licenses, events, fairs, festivals being transferred from PCC to PWP following the end of each financial year.

            Reason: To enable the PWP (working closely with PCC, promoters, event managers and others) to generate revenues that can then be reinvested for the BID’s delivery.


7.         The City Council will assist PWP with cash flow over the initial 6 months of its new BID.

            Reason:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56.