Agenda item


The Co-operative Scrutiny Board will receive the corporate performance report quarter 2 2014/15 and the Local Government Ombudsman annual review letter 2014.


Peter Honeywell (Transformation Programme Manager) presented the corporate plan performance monitoring quarter 2 report, which highlighted the following key points –



the quarter 2 report outlined progress and emerging trends of the Corporate plan and progress of the new 50 Pledges;




the majority of the Corporate Plan key actions were on target to achieve their milestones in order that the outcomes were completed by the end of 2016/17;




of the 42 key actions -





one (K41) (not on target) (RED);



four (milestones had not been completed but there were mitigating factors which means that the outcome is not at risk (AMBER) (K27(B), K39, K44, K49);




of the 25 performance measures tracking outcomes of the Corporate Plan, the majority were performing well; one (P17 – the percentage of residents who believed they could influence decisions affecting their local area) was below target; action was being taken to find better ways of improving the measure;




16 measures were performing well; the remaining five (P10, P18, P21, P22 and P23) were 15 percent or less below target; there were two performance measures which were still to be developed and no data currently existed;




the Local Government Ombudsman found that only 10 complaints out of 82 had been upheld.


In response to questions raised by Members, it was reported that –



whilst a number of the Pledges had been completed there were a number which remained outstanding; Pledge 19 would be completed in December following consideration by Cabinet;




an engagement campaign would be launched in January 2015 to encourage people to register to vote; the University of Plymouth had also undertaken a campaign to encourage its students to register;





it was acknowledged that the Your Plymouth Panel’s review of the Customer Service Strategy 2015-2018,  chaired by Councillor Kate Taylor had achieved some good outcomes;




the data used for Pledge 17 (percent of residents who believe they can influence decisions affecting their local area) was based on historical surveys such as the ‘place survey’;




there was a focus within the Council’s Customer Service Strategy 2015-2018 for improving communications with its customers and making it easier for them to interact with the Council; work was being undertaken to enable the better use of small screen device when accessing Council services;





a total of 77 complaints/enquiries had been considered by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) in 2013/14; although the LGO had made 82 decision in 2013/14 (the discrepancy with the figures had arisen as five complaints/enquiries had been received in the previous year 2012/13).


The Board requested information relating to –



the locations that had been identified within the city for 20mph zone schemes (Pledge 23);




looking at the process to make it easier for residents to participate in the online consultation for the Plymouth Plan;




the provision of a detailed breakdown of the complaints which had been upheld and those that had not which had been considered by the Local Government Ombudsman.


The Chair thanked Peter Honeywell (Transformation Programmes Manager) for attending the meeting.



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