Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Council Tax Base Setting 2019/20 and Council Tax Support Scheme 2019/20'
- Councillor Andrea Loveridge - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor David Fletcher - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor George Wheeler - Private - Trustee of Charity that lets property.
- Councillor Jemima Laing - Private - Trustee of Charity that lets property.
- Councillor Kevin Wigens - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Mark Lowry - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Michael Leaves - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Mrs Andrea Johnson - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Neil Hendy - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Nick Kelly - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Nigel Churchill - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Patrick Nicholson - Private - Trustee of Charity that lets property.
- Councillor Samantha Leaves - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord
- Councillor Tony Carson - Disclosable Pecuinary Interest - Private Sector Landlord