Councillor Mark Coker

Profile image for Councillor Mark Coker

Title: Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport

Party: Labour

Ward: Devonport

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Council House
Plymouth City Council


Mobile:  07585888047


Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 07/05/2007 - 09/05/2011
  • 09/05/2011 - 11/05/2015
  • 11/05/2015 - 02/05/2019
  • 02/05/2019 - 04/05/2023
  • 04/05/2023 - 06/05/2027

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information




Community Grants 2024/25



Jul 24


To support Ker Street FC Juniors with purchasing kit and any supplies needed for the team


Aug 24


To support Devonport Live with a contribution towards food and music for the Day of the Dead event.


To support Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with a contribution towards bouncy castle hire, kids entertainment and discounted food for a community event on the 7th of September


To support making Mount Wise Pool free to use to encourage more swimming in the City


To contribute towards the Keyham Bioboost Project Crowdfunder. This project will plant 4 mini meadows at Scott Business Park.


To support the Morice Town Fun Day with a contribution towards children's activities, food and drink.


Sep 24


To support Devonport Live in creating a Christmas gathering for the elderly in the community.


Oct 24


To support grant funding for bringing noticeboards within the Devonport area back into use by local groups for local residents in the area. Up to 12 notice
boards in total.


Nov 24


To support Keyham Green Places with providing a family friendly and budget friendly Christmas Grotto and Faire


Dec 24


To support Pottery Quay in holding the annual children's christmas party by purchasing christmas food, music and children's entertainment.


To support Wolseley Youth Group to purchase sport equipment to promote physical activity for its members


Grand Total






Community Grants 2023/24



June 2023


To support St Levan Park Neighbourhood Watch Scheme with a contribution towards the children's entertainment and facilitates at the St Levan Park Family Fun Day for local families and the community.


July 2023


To support the Plymouth Pie Club with a contribution towards the work they do within the community and the supplies they need to help serve meals to vulnerable people within the community


To support Friends of Devonport Park with a contribution towards a band for the Devonport Park Proms in the Park event




To support Plymouth Active with a contribution towards the costs of organising a Swimming Gala at Mount Wise to encourage children and the community to enjoy swimming




To support the Kintsugi Project with a contribution towards the cost of equipment needed to upgrade their facilities to aid in their work in the community.




To support Friends of Keyham Barton with a contribution towards a book vending machine for the students at Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School.


To support the Wolseley Trust Youth Group with a contribution towards boxing sessions and transport to allow young people from Keyham and North Prospect to participate in a free sports activity.


To support Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with a contribution towards Easter eggs and support for the annual Easter egg hunt.




To support Generous Earth - Crowdfunder - Help our community Composting Project Grow


To fund participation in the
annual Eddystone Charitable Sailing Pursuit


To support Marlborough Primary Academy with a contribution towards bikes to use within their Bikeability classes.


To support Clean Our Patch with a contribution towards litter picking kits to help clean Morice Town and Mount Wise


To support Devonport Live with a contribution towards a community spring event which will help local families.


March 2024


To support Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with a contribution towards activities, food and drink for a community children's event.


To support Friends of Devonport Park with a contribution towards supplies for their community gardens project


Grand Total





Community Grants 2023/24



To support St Leven Park Neighbourhood Watch Scheme with a contribution towards the children's entertainment and facilitates at the St Levan Park Family Fun Day for local families and the community.


To support the Plymouth Pie Club with a contribution towards the work they do within the community and the supplies they need to help serve meals to vulnerable people within the community


To support Generous Earth - Crowdfunder - Help our community Composting Project Grow


To support Friends of Devonport Park with a contribution towards a band for the Devonport Park Proms in the Park event


To support Friends of Keyham Barton with a contribution towards a book vending machine for the students at Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School.


To support the Wolseley Trust Youth Group with a contribution towards boxing sessions and transport to allow young people from Keyham and North Prospect to participate in a free sports activity.


To fund participation in the
annual Eddystone Charitable Sailing Pursuit


To support the Kintsugi Project with a contribution towards the cost of equipment needed to upgrade their facilities to aid in their work in the community.


To support Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with a contribution towards activities, food and drink for a community children's event.


To support Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with a contribution towards Easter eggs and support for the annual Easter egg hunt.


To support Marlborough Primary Academy with a contribution towards bikes to use within their Bikeability classes.


To support Clean Our Patch with a contribution towards litter picking kits to help clean Morice Town and Mount Wise


To support Plymouth Active with a contribution towards the costs of organising a Swimming Gala at Mount Wise to encourage children and the community to enjoy swimming


To support Friends of Devonport Park with a contribution towards supplies for their community gardens project


To support Devonport Live with a contribution towards a community spring event which will help local families.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2021/22





To support TGS Coaching Holiday Club in providing football equipment for a young person’s football team in Devonport.




To support the work of Jeremiah's Journey bereavement charity, as they work with the community of Keyham to provide counselling and support to Keyham families.




To support the Keyham Community with a noticeboard to be placed within North Down Crescent for the benefit of the residents.


To provide funding for a railing project at Devonport Park.


To help fund the Plymouth PIE Club in delivering and supporting meals.


To provide funding for a community children reading project.




To provide safe secure play equipment for Devonport live café for special needs children.




To contribute towards a commemorative plaque to be sited in Plymouth.




To support Crops - Keyham Green Places with a contribution towards the Food Bank they run, this will benefit any residents who access this service.




To support residents in Devonport with a contribution towards establishing Devonport Job Club, this will benefit all residents in the area and help them with any job related issues.


To support Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with a contribution towards the Easter Eggs for and Easter Egg Hunt.


To support students at St Joseph Primary School with a contribution towards an end of year social event, allowing students to engage with each other and celebrate the end of the school year.


To support the Local Community in Plymouth with a contribution towards the Respect Festival 2022 which is being organised by the Plymouth & District Racial Equality Council


To support Plymouth Artist's Together help the community by putting artwork on the unloved and neglected spaces in our City. This will help with the purchase of supplies and materials needed for a piece of street art at the Cage.




Devonport Theatre Children's Club - subsidising access to the theatre club for Devonport children whose family cannot afford the cost.


To support Young People in Plymouth with a Contribution towards the Youth Service Team, this will help provide recovery for Young People affected by the Keyham Shooting.


Contribution towards providing a safe road crossing in Mount Wise.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2020/21





To support Plymouth Vineyard with the pop-up Uniform Store Plymouth project with the purchase of vital equipment to get children ready for school such as pencil cases, water bottles as well as the cost of running the project which involves washing, printing and ironing equipment. This will hugely benefit families who have been struggling in Plymouth.




To support 1st Keyham Scout Group with adding new clear plastic roofing on the outside areas to enable outdoor activities to be run whatever the weather. This will benefit 100+ youth members and adults who regularly meet at these premises.


To support Clean our Patch with providing the Morice Town and Mount Wise ambassadors with the kits they need to litter pick these areas. Twenty kits needed which will provide ten per group.




To support Plymouth PIE (Parklifers in Exile) with the ability to provide meals and equipment for their elderly and vulnerable patrons who use the Park Pavilion cafes across the city of Plymouth. 




To contribute towards the Crowdfunder - Mayflower 400: Get Active - Spirit of Christmas


To support Friends of Devonport Park with the "Community Allotment Day". Contributing towards various plants and vegetables that will be planted for the benefit of the Community.




To Support Keyham Green Places with their Food Bank which is helping families within the Keyham area and other areas in Plymouth unable to cope on low incomes and as a result are struggling to feed themselves.




To support the Devonport Dental Campaign by providing various dental equipment, including: toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental hygiene tools.




To support Keyham Neighbourhood Watch with the production of a local newsletter for the community of Keyham with the intention of getting feedback on some events and achievements that have been organised to date, as well as views on what to concentrate on in the future.


To support Devonport Community Baptist Church with their Easter Food Collection. This contribution will provide Easter eggs for the children of the people that require food boxes.


To support Clean Our Patch with a contribution towards litter picking equipment for the volunteers in the Devonport ward.


For the installation of two grit bins to be placed in George Street Devonport and Victory Street Keyham £511.48 for both bins.


Grand Total





Community Grants 2019/20



Jul- 19

Sponsorship for salvation army fun day, Reference number DE41


Stiltskin Arts & Theatre Company- To install an emergency pull cord alarm in their new disabled toilet.


Sept – 19


To support the AFC Devonport under13s girls football team with the purchase of rain jackets. 


Oct - 19


Defibrilator for Plymouth Petanque Club


Bingo tickets and equipment for Helen Fox House


Jan - 20


To purchase plants and equipment for a community gardening project in Pembrooke Street


Feb - 20


To fund a childrens part at Devonport Live


To contribute towards the creation of a forest school College Road Primary School.


To contribute towards Devonport Parks fruiting Arboretum.


Mar - 20


To contribute towards the running of Exim Dance providing opportunities for children at risk in the Plymouth area to socialise and learn to dance


To provide funds towards fixing the trampoline at the trampoline club aimed at children with disabilities across Plymouth


Contribute towards an Easter Egg Hunt being facilitated by Keyham Neighbourhood Watch


Grand Total





Community Grants Scheme 2018/19





To help fund the Morice Town Community Fund Day.


To fund a petrol mower for the North Corner Residents Association.


TGS Coaching - Support for local schools tournament for celebrating the World Cup.




To fund a mass lunch at the Welcome Hall Community Centre for the elderly and lonely in the Devonport Community.




Keyham Green Places. Supporting sessions for children at a local Junior Youth group.




To support an educational visit by year 6 pupils at Marlborough School for team building/preparation for secondary school.


To support the St Levans Park Summer Fun Day, which benefits members of the Devonport Ward.


To fund the planting of hanging baskets for the Community Planting Day held by Pembroke Street Estate Management Board.




To support the Devonport Live Cafe provide Healthy Eating Classes for the benefit of local residents.




To help support Mount Wise Primary School with school trips out of the City that will enhance the children's' education and cultural experiences.


To help fund a defibrillator for the Plymouth Petanque Club.


Grand Total





Community Grants Scheme 2017/18





Blenheims - Contribution to community noticeboard at Mount Wise




Provide planting and generally re-vamp Morice Town




To provide equipment for the Dance Group


For Community planting and local group activity


To support new tree planting in Haddington Road, James St


To provide community group resources & purchase equipment for kids club


To provide funding for community planting at Pembroke Street


To provide new equipment for Devonport Boxing Club


Grand Total





Community Grant Scheme 2016 to 2017



Bin storage and placement on pavement on Cumberland Street


Community Planting in Devonport Park


Friends of Alexandra park community rememberance service


Funding for Devonport Work Club


Planting and summer clean up and pots for pembroke street


Portable wheelchairs for use in community hall, donation towards kids club, luncheon club for elderly for equipment and  outing for underpriviledged chrildren


Providing community equipment for friends of devonport park


Renewal of outdoor community play equipment, inclusive of safety floor at CROPS - Keyham Green Places community centre. Total Cost £2,688.  This will benefit the local community, school, junior group and parents with children aged 3 to 10.


Grand Total





Community Grant Scheme 2015 to 2016



Devonport Community Fun Day (Joint application with Councillors Stevens £1000 & K Taylor £1000)


Art in the Park exhibitions – Devonport Community Art Project


Morice Town Fun Day (joint application with Councillors Stevens £100 & K Taylor £100)


Part funding of equipment for NORPRO – to help disadvantaged adults (joint application with Councillors Stevens £200 & K Taylor £350)


Part funding of CCTV cameras for Devonport (joint application with Councillor Stevens £250)


Postcards and posters for dog fouling in the Devonport area


Support of Community Health in Lipson (joint application with Councillors Tuffin £200, Penberthy £50, Jarvis £500, Sparling £50, Singh £300, Evans £100, McDonald £100, Riley £100, Rennie £200, P Davey £100, K Taylor £400, Aspinall £200, Stevens £50, Dann £200, Mrs Bridgeman £50, Martin Leaves £166, Mahony £167 & Mrs Nicholson £167)


Devonport Live – to provide community engagement for the youth in the area


Welcome Hall – kids club activities & elder persons luncheon club





Community Grant Scheme 2014 to 2015



Equipment for residents community garden project


Summer activities for the junior club – Keyham Green Places


Devonport Community Festival (joint application with councillors Stevens £1000 & K Taylor £1000)


Christmas Lunch for the elderly at Welcome Hall (joint application with Councillors Stevens £84 and Kate Taylor £83)


Supporting Friends of Alexandra Park with community events (joint application with Councillors Stevens £67 & Kate Taylor £66)


Art in the Park Christmas Event


Painting of communal benches outside neighbourhood centre


Notice board for bandstand in Devonport Park


Community Project in Keyham area for young people


Design a poster competition for Keyham Barton School (joint application with Councillor Stevens £250)


Community Planting project with Friends of Devonport Park (joint application with Councillor Stevens £100)


Community activities day at Welcome Hall (joint application with Councillor Stevens £100)


Community Dance Activities (joint application with Councillor Stevens £50)
