Meeting attendance

Monday 25 June 2012 2.00 pm, City Council

Venue:   COUNCIL HOUSE, PLYMOUTH (next to the Civic Centre)

Contact:    Nicola Kirby, Senior Democratic Support Officer (Cabinet)

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Mary Aspinall Member Present
Councillor Richard Ball Member Present
Councillor Terri Beer Member Present
Councillor Ian Bowyer Member Present
Councillor Lynda Bowyer Member Present
Councillor Thomas Browne Member Present
Councillor Alison Casey Member Present
Councillor Nigel Churchill Member Present
Councillor Mark Coker Member Present
Councillor Danny Damarell Member Present
Councillor Ian Darcy Member Present
Councillor Philippa Davey Member Present
Councillor Sam Davey Member Apologies
Councillor Jill Dolan Member Present
Councillor Jonathan Drean Member Apologies
Councillor Tudor Evans Member Present
Councillor Ken Foster Member Present
Councillor Wendy Foster Member Present
Councillor Mike Fox Member Present
Councillor Ted Fry Member Present
Councillor Ian Gordon Member Present
Councillor David Haydon Member Present
Councillor Sally Bowie Member Present
Councillor David James Member Present
Councillor Paul Jarvis Member Present
Councillor Glenn Jordan Member Present
Councillor Martin Leaves Member Present
Councillor Michael Leaves Member Present
Councillor Sam Leaves Member Present
Councillor Mark Lowry Member Present
Councillor Dr John Mahony Member Apologies
Councillor Susan McDonald Member Present
Councillor Grant Monahan Member Present
Councillor Pauline Murphy Member Present
Councillor Jean Nelder Member Present
Councillor Patricia Nicholson Member Present
Councillor Patrick Nicholson Member Present
Councillor Lorraine Parker Member Present
Councillor Chris Penberthy Member Present
Councillor Vivien Pengelly Member Present
Councillor Eddie Rennie Member Present
Councillor Steven Ricketts Member Present
Councillor Dr David Salter Member Present
Councillor Chaz Singh Vice-Chair Expected
Councillor John Smith Member Present
Councillor Peter Smith Member Present
Councillor David Stark Member Present
Councillor Bill Stevens Member Present
Councillor Jon Taylor Member Present
Councillor Kate Taylor Member Present
Councillor Ian Tuffin Member Present
Councillor Tina Tuohy Member Present
Councillor Brian Vincent Member Present
Councillor George Wheeler Member Present
Councillor Kevin Wigens Member Present
Councillor Nicky Williams Member Present